What to Look For When Buying a Kegerator: 5 Tips for Bar Owners

Buying a Kegerator

If you run a bar or other place that serves beer, you should think about where you can find a quality kegerator for sale. This equipment is designed for draft beer storing and dispensing, so you can always enjoy fresh and cold beer.- Buying a Kegerator

Here are the top 5 points to pay attention to when choosing a kegerator that suits your needs.

The right equipment will not only be more efficient, but also allow you to save money on its purchase.

1.Capacity and size of equipment

This equipment can be roughly divided into 2 categories:

  • Mini kegerators (they hold no more than one 5-liter mini-keg)
  • Full-size kegerators (they are designed for a full-size barrel of 59 liters).

The most popular is the full-size equipment.

2. Placement

Decide which kegerator is preferable: detached or built-in. Most brewers prefer  detached ones, as they can be easily moved to a new location if necessary. However, keep in mind that at the new location, behind the kegerator should be at least a few inches of space for ventilation.

As for the built-in models, they should be taken only if you are sure that the equipment will always work in the same place.


Do not forget to regularly disassemble and clean the equipment. To keep your beer always tasty and fresh, we recommend buying a special kit for cleaning the kegerator from the remnants of production. 


To choose the most effective and easy to operate equipment, note if it is fitted with a digital thermostat, rollers for better mobility, a removable drip tray, etc. 

To keep beer always cold, you also need to buy: a clutch, a carbon dioxide tank, a beer tower with a tap, etc.


As a rule, the equipment for cooling beer is not so cheap. The simplest model will cost about $1,000, and the most expensive with a large set of options – $3,000.

The middle price segment with an optimal price-quality ratio is 1200-1500 dollars.

To find the best kegerator for sale, check out the range of Beverage Craft. They will be happy to help you find a suitable model that will meet all the needs of your beer production.