Vaccinated People Spreading Coronavirus: Is That Possible?

vaccinated people spreading coronavirus

Once a person has already got the vaccine, it is essential to go through a buffer period of two weeks. It is the time for observing how well your body is reacting to the shots, after which the vaccination process is complete. However, does vaccination mean that a person can now go around everywhere like before? Is there a possibility of vaccinated people spreading coronavirus too? We need answers to such crucial questions to be sure whether vaccination is enough.

Are vaccinated people spreading coronavirus?

The answer precisely is, YES! There is a high possibility of vaccinated people spreading coronavirus. Not just that, you can also get infected within a few days of vaccination. However, the good part is that there is almost no chance that you will fall seriously ill after you get the vaccine.

While most people feel that a vaccine is like a protective shield blocking the way of viruses into the body. However, the real deal is that a vaccine does not block the virus from infecting the cells. What it does instead is restricted you from falling sick. Therefore, getting a vaccine does not mean you won’t attract the infection. It only means that you are safe against diseases.

There is one more confusion regarding the rate of effectiveness of the vaccine that also clears why there is a possibility of vaccinated people spreading coronavirus. When you hear that a vaccine is only 95% effective, most people think that 95% of people out of the total people getting the vaccine are safe. However, that is not the concept.

Instead, 95% effective means if you get a vaccine shot, you are only 95% safe, and there is still a 5% chance of contracting the infection. The same goes for every person who is getting the vaccine. Everyone needs to be aware of the fundamental role of the vaccine.

It is a solution to enhance the power of your immune system that is usually not possible otherwise. So, the point here is that a person who gets a vaccine and still attracts infection is more likely to recover sooner than someone who does not go through vaccination.

Are infection and transmission always the same?

Transmission occurs only when a considerable amount of viral particles from the body of an infected person enter that of a healthy person. So, theoretically, an infected person may transmit the same. However, a proper vaccine will lower the chances of transmission to a large extent.

If at all, the vaccine is incapable of restricting infection totally, at least it will reduce the discharge of the virus through the mouth and nose to a large extent. This process is called shedding, and a vaccine will undoubtedly reduce the shedding time. Moreover, it means that you are less likely to transmit viral particles.

This theory is now becoming popular with all the vaccine researches going on around. For example, in a recent study in Israel, over 2800 people were part of it. People who are vaccinated are only allowed to be part of this study. It is to find out if there are any symptoms or coronavirus traits present in the body of a healthy person.

What came out as results were quite surprising. Researchers found that most people were not bearing any traits of the coronavirus infection. However, some people showed only a quarter percentage of the virus remains, which is a lot less than the situation for people who are not getting the vaccination. (Fabulouseyebrowthreading)

Reduction of infection means that there is almost zero chance of transmission, our ultimate aim. However, the CDC or other health bodies are still unaware of when they can achieve this spot. Besides, the vaccines are only 95% safe, which is again a problem. Therefore, the best option is to follow the safety guidelines, wear masks and maintain social distancing.

What about the new COVID variants?

There is already news about the emergence of newer coronavirus variants. Besides, so many countries are also implementing lockdowns to control the wrath of the second COVID wave. Some variants like the B1351 were one of the first this time the news of which came from South Africa.

There is nothing new in the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 replicates its original form to release newer mutations. This time also there is no exception, and the newer variants are reportedly more dangerous and infective. While on the one hand, countries are trying every possible method to control the second wave of the coronavirus, on the other hand, experts are also researching as hard as they can to conclude.