Top Public Health Concerns and Ways to Overcome Them

Health Concerns

The public health sector is all about looking after the population. In contrast, everything in the healthcare sector works in an interconnected manner. If one faction is weak, it takes a toll on the entire industry. 

For instance, in the case of COVID-19, when the masses didn’t have enough information, they acted recklessly. When the health sector provided data, the people still did not readily follow. As a result, numerous cases piled up with signs and symptoms that took a toll on a person’s health. 

After the vaccine entered the system, there was another wave of vaccine skepticism. When the population and the public health demands are not met, hospitals suffer. Too many cases make it challenging to provide care. Resources also start depleting, and the system collapses. 

While the COVID-19 is still an example of recent times, many concerns still wreak havoc on the healthcare sector, making it challenging to give and receive care. With time there are now solutions available, and following them is the only cure. Here are some concerns the healthcare sector still struggles with:

  • Alcohol-Related Concerns

Alcoholism is still rampant in society, and people seem to be indulging in more beverages than ever. While occasional use is okay, addiction is not. Alcohol has both short and long-term effects on the body. A person loses inhibition and may cause harm to themselves or others. If it gets consumed during pregnancy, it may harm the fetus. Public health officials who study public health policy understand the need to address the situation. Their policies also help in developing a profound understanding of where public health issues stem from. 

When an understanding gets established, solutions get introduced, and public health professionals may enforce stricter alcohol distribution laws and increase advocacy for rehab centers. 

  • Food Safety

We need proper food and drink as nutritious meals are necessary for our growth and development. Therefore when it comes to the preparation and distribution of food, hygiene standards need to be maintained. Unfortunately, foodborne illnesses are a significant concern for the healthcare sector. 

Food and water that are contaminated take a toll on our health. Diseases such as Hepatitis A, typhoid, and food poisoning become prevalent. In some cases, people may get cholera and recurring infections. The public health sector can urge people to get vaccinated against hepatitis A. For typhoid, they can encourage the population to take antibiotics. 

The public health sector collects data on where most of these are stemming from. If smaller communities have more cases, their food and water need revisiting. They can guide people where to get better and healthier meals. They can also encourage the population to boil their water before drinking and avoid contaminated water. If the source of food and water is not salvageable, they can push policymakers to look at the situation.

  • Infection From Hospitals

While hospitals are sterile, infections still happen. That is because one doctor is seeing numerous patients at a time. The equipment can pick up bacteria lurking on the surface and infect the patient. These infections can happen at surgical sites. They can occur due to the insertion of a catheter. They can also occur due to an unscreened blood transfusion. Protecting patients from infection requires vigilance. These include paying attention to hygiene between visiting patients. It also includes disinfecting the room after every patient visit, including medical equipment. It is not enough to clear up the space once numerous patients have entered. There also needs to be strict policies on the number of visitations. If these measures do not get implemented, a patient may continue to get subjected to infections.

  • HIV

HIV is a viral infection that impacts immunity. When our body can’t defend itself, the chances of falling severely ill are high. HIV can also become highly lethal due to continued exposure to the virus. Therefore help should get administered right away. One of the ways the public health sector urges to reduce cases of HIV is always to stay safe. People are encouraged to get regular screenings of blood. The virus travels through body fluids. It is recommended people don’t share items that can mix body fluids inside the body. The population also gets urged to practice safe sex and use protection. People also shouldn’t share syringes or any equipment that pricks the skin. While it may be an old disease, cases of HIV are still present. Some measures may control HIV, but no known cure yet. 

  • Heart Diseases and Stroke

The heart is one of the essential organs of the human body. It pumps blood to all the organs, keeping them alive. When a blood vessel gets blocked, there is difficulty in pumping blood. Blocking off the blood vessel leads to a stroke. Strokes can reduce the function of the heart muscles causing them to become weak. If a person experiences multiple strokes, the case can become fatal. The reasons for heart conditions are varied. They can be hereditary. They can also stem from a poor lifestyle, such as a lack of exercise and a poor diet. Obesity has gets linked as a cause for a heart attack. The public health sector acknowledges heart problems. It recommends patients try exercising more and having lean diets free from cholesterol and fat. They also suggest that the population stay in touch with a primary care doctor to care for their well-being. In some cases, doctors may prescribe medicines to reduce hypertension and blood pressure issues resulting from a weakening heart.

  • Prescription Drug Overdose

Overdosing is a significant public health crisis. While people may use drugs recreationally, prescription pills are just as lethal. Prescription pills are also much easier to obtain than recreational pills. A person can get them following an intensive surgery to manage symptoms of pain. Painkillers don’t take long to get addictive. Some patients may even go as far as injuring themselves to get pills. Doctors don’t have a system yet to monitor how much they’re giving their patients. However, a proper plan needs implementation. Patients need pacing between each dose to avoid crowding their system. Doctors should also roughly guess how much pain tolerance a patient can withstand and adjust accordingly. It should also not be easy to get a prescription for a refill. Doctors should evaluate how much the drug has seeped into the system before giving a second round. In case of addiction has already started, rehab is the next plausible solution.

Wrap Up

The public health sector is all about the continued healthcare of the population. Despite numerous measures, there are still so many diseases wreaking havoc in society. These conditions stem from multiple causes. When people start neglecting their health due to various reasons, it can get concerning. The cases of neglect can be active or passive. In both instances, addressing the situation to administer care is very important. If there is no attention paid, society will suffer.