Experts’ Tips For People Who Wish To Resume Work After Suffering A Social Security Disability

Social Security

Returning back to the office after undergoing a long-term disability leave exposes the disabled person to various complexities and challenges. Ranging from new feelings to changes, uneasiness, and differences, there is a lot that one has to face while planning a transit in such a case. 

Though joining back immediately after the trauma is not suggested, getting back to your desk after you start feeling healthy and fit is a life process. So are you someone who has undergone such trauma and wishes to get back to work? Have you crossed your recovery phase and are all set to lead a life like before?

Here we pen down a few things that can help you plan out a successful return:

Do not rush 

Getting back to work after undergoing a shocking injury can be highly overwhelming. Things may not seem as normal as before, and it’s not just the health concern that you need to consider before joining the office again but also your mental health. 

Such injuries may require a person to take an adequate break, ease back, and develop the readiness to be back in the workplace. Hence, when you are fully ready to take up your work responsibilities, only then you should plan to make a return. 

While taking such a decision, ensure that your duties do not harm your performance or health in any way. 

At times, being early to get back to work after a long-term disability may prove to be detrimental to your health and also hinder the overall recovery process. Further, this may not only pose a health hazard for you but may also cause your employer to land down in an awkward situation.

 Thus, do not be in a rush to join back. Instead, consult your doctors and physicians. And, only when you receive a green flag and obtain a clearance certificate from them should you head back to work mode to shoulder your work responsibilities back again.

Accept the new you

A disability can bring in some permanent changes not only physically but also mentally. Life may not be normal as before. Sometimes, things and qualities that you prioritized before might be totally different while you return. But you shouldn’t let such things affect your mental peace and state of mind. 

We understand that suffering a disability is not easy and may make you drift into a sea of sadness, but if you wish to come out strong from such an adverse wave, you need to accept the new you. You need to understand the changes in your body and have to assess and get used to the same before you make a return to your workplace. 

You also may be required to make a few changes in your lifestyle to bridge the gap between your work and health. Therefore, scrutinize yourself, start with a positive note, and accept the chance to stand out more assertively in your workplace.

Consult the professionals

By stating professionals here, we mean both the doctor and an attorney. Whilst a doctor may recommend you medicines and other prescriptions to get well soon and be ready for joining the office, an attorney can help you with the legalities and paperwork. 

In the case of a doctor, they may examine you thoroughly and help you in making a decision whether you are fit to resume your duties or not. They may also provide you with the necessary documents required to be produced before the employers to verify your health for a smooth joining process.

On the contrary, a lawyer can help you in making your transition process legit and easy. Hiring a Social Security Disability Lawyer in Dade City, FL may make you aware of the benefits you are entitled to and can help protect your interest and rights in case of a long-term disability. 

They can help you understand your long-term disability policy and seek the benefits that are applicable to you.

Always make way for communication 

A return can be staggering and proper communication is the only key to get over it. Undergoing a disability and planning a return might require you to maintain constant contact with your employers.

Not just when you plan to return but also after you actually get back to your job. Timely communication and conversation should be given way in the office. This will present a clear picture of your health and expectations, which will further help the employers make the appropriate arrangements. 

Effective communication also triggers trust between the disabled employee and employers and also aids the management team to support the worker entering into a place that is safe for them to return.

Check out the policies

Before you get back into your office cubicle, make sure that you quickly take a glance at the company’s policies and rules in concern with long-term disability. Such policies list downs the mandates and outlines the measures that one has to take while joining back in the office. 

It also lists down the facilities and other disability benefits that you are eligible for. Hence, take a sneak peek into the same so that you have all the mandates at your disposal.

Be self-compassionate

Adjusting to a new routine can be challenging and may not go easy on you. Especially when you plan to return after a long stay-at-home tenure, getting acquainted with a new routine may affect you both mentally and physically. 

Thus, you need to recognize it and grant a permit to yourself that you are ready to face the hardships that come along with getting back to your office desk. Also, do not rush; remember that slow and steady wins the race. You do not need to push yourself to your extreme to accomplish your goals in one day.

Give yourself time, be ready to accept the change, consider asking for a work from home regime for a few days and start off at a slow pace increasing it further while you become self-compassionate to take up the job on the right foot. 

And, once you are ready and have developed a mental state wherein nothing can push you back, you can start taking more and be limitless.

Seek assistance from the HR team

Before you return, you can also consider contacting the human resources team to make your rejoining after a long disability an easy process.

Seeking assistance from the HR professionals of your company may allow you to gain an insight about the accommodation you will require to be back to work with disability, discuss in terms of lowering down the exertion level in your job role, and a lot more. 

The HR team may assist you with all sorts of queries and thus make your transition process a bit easy after the long haul.

Review your resume

If your disability poses a roadblock in your path to get back to the previous job role that you used to shoulder, consider updating your curriculum vitae. Pen down any additional skills that you have attained or any course that you had taken up during the injury period. 

Reviewing your resume and updating it with your new accomplishments and skill sets can help you and your company to reach down at a point where they can accommodate you at a place that doesn’t exert you much and does justice for you, taking into account your mental and physical health.

Use the accommodation benefits 

Disabilities come with mental stress, and it can be one of the most significant losses for a working individual that does not allow you to lead a life as before. But, to facilitate people with physical disabilities, various accommodation policies are made in favor of the employees. 

So, before you join back, make sure that you have all your documents handy and can produce the same in front of your employers to avail the benefits and accommodations that you are eligible for. 

Also, do not shy off from asking for help. Convey all your considerations and seek help from the employers to have access to all resources and tools you may need to get started with your job smoothly. Make sure that you give in writing about your needs so that you can be fledged with the requested accommodation.


These were a few things that can help you in great ways if you consider adhering to them while planning a return after a long-term disability. But despite all the preparedness, there are chances that you may encounter hurdles and setbacks along with your work schedule. 

In such a case, ensure that you recognize any setbacks in an early phase and communicate the same to the management team. Address problems well in time so that it doesn’t impact your recovery phase and keep in touch with the health professionals so that you can seek treatment immediately if a need arises.

Further, have some plans in mind to deal with a stressful situation and frustration. Consider trying out these tips, and you will indeed feel that things are better out this way!