How Gluten Free Diet Works: A Detailed View


Gluten free diets became a popular fad when many people touted that they lost weight thanks to going gluten free. This is because a gluten-free diet often involves eating healthier foods like fruits and vegetables. Many processed foods and carbs, such as snacks and sugary cereals, must be eliminated. However, going gluten free is much more than just another fad diet. There’s quite a bit of science to back it up. 

Why Some Science Is Against Going Gluten Free

For every article online about how great a gluten free diet is, there is another one that claims it’s not recommended for people without Celiac disease. It’s essential to understand why it’s not recommended. 

Most scientists and doctors try to steer people away from a gluten free diet because it puts them at an increased risk of developing vitamin deficiencies. That’s because many foods we eat today, from milk and cereal to pre-packaged snacks, are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need. This allows people to enjoy items like freezer food without becoming deficient in vitamins their bodies need to survive. 

When you eliminate those processed foods, you’re not getting the vitamins and minerals they are infused with. That’s why going gluten free increases your risk of deficiencies. 

However, getting all the nutrients you need from natural foods is more than possible. It simply requires learning more about nutrition. 

Celiac Disease Requires A Gluten Free Diet

Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition. When a person with Celiac disease eats gluten, the villi in the small intestines, which absorb vitamins and nutrients from food, are damaged. Eventually, they become flat and can no longer absorb those vitamins and nutrients, leading to long-term organ failure. Gluten free diets are the only treatment. 

Going Gluten Free Is Critical For Anyone With Gluten Sensitivity

Some people without Celiac disease experience a wide range of symptoms, including: 

  • Fatigue
  • Digestive symptoms, such as bloating and diarrhea
  • Migraines or headaches
  • Inability to concentrate, also known as brain fog
  • Joint pain

The only solution for anyone with gluten sensitivity is to eat a gluten-free diet. 

Gluten Free Diets Can Benefit Those With IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome impacts millions of people worldwide. According to this study, a gluten free diet can help individuals with IBS find much-needed relief they need. 

Gluten Causes White Lesion Matters On The Brain

Various gut disorders have been proven to cause white lesion matter on the brain due to the close connection between the gut and the brain. This article cites multiple studies that prove doctors have missed this in patients. 

White lesion matters on the brain drastically impact how the brain functions, as cited in this article. Problems that can arise due to these lesions on the brain include, but are not limited to: 

  • Functional decline
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Problems with balance
  • Mood disorders

Fortunately, white matter lesions on the brain due to inflammatory conditions can get smaller. 

Gluten Causes Inflammation

They’ve discovered that gluten causes inflammation in individuals not diagnosed with Celiac disease or non-Celiac gluten sensitivity. 

Degenerative disorders are directly linked to inflammation. As inflammation continues throughout the body, it slowly wears away at organs and tissues. 

Inflammation is often linked to a significant amount of pain. This causes symptoms that appear to be arthritis in joints. Lower back pain is often caused by inflammation, as is other pain throughout the body. 

Inflammation in the gut causes a host of other symptoms. This may explain why going gluten-free provides so much relief for patients with IBS. (Modafinil) It relieves the inflammation in the intestines and the symptoms that the inflammation causes. 

When the brain becomes inflamed, as is often the case when the gut experiences inflammation, it can cause the appearance of mood disorders, irritability, insomnia, and much more. This is why gluten intolerance has been proven to cause behavioral problems in children, including temper tantrums. 

Chronic inflammation can also cause organ failure, heart disease, and more. 

A Lack Of Symptoms Often Means Fewer Medications

Many people today feel that they can eat and do whatever they want and then fix it with a pill, as is the case that this author makes. However, this leads to more medications as people get older. Individuals wind up taking a few pills for digestive issues, a few more for cognitive decline, and so on. These medications often help patients find relief, but they also come with their downfalls and side effects. 

It’s Still Possible To Get Enough Calories Going Gluten Free

A common argument against a low-carb or gluten free diet is that the body doesn’t receive enough calories. Most people get a lot of the calories they need from carbs, such as bread. However, gluten free recipes, like this allergy free bread recipe, make it easy to get ample carbs while on a gluten free diet.