French Nun, Oldest in Europe, Fights COVID Before 117th Birthday

french nun sister andre
Image Credit: abc7NY

A French nun, who is the most senior person alive from Europe, fought and won against the COVID-19 infection. She got the virus a few weeks before her 117th birthday.

French nun Sister Andre fights COVID

Lucile Randon is a French nun and addressed as Sister Andre since 1944. She tested positive with the coronavirus on January 16, 2021. However, she did not have any symptoms, though she is old enough to be severely hit.

When speaking to local media, Sister Andre said she did not realize she has the virus. The lady was in isolation and away from other residents who reside in her retirement home at Toulon. However, the nun is now fully recovered and is safe from spreading the virus.

Sister Andre is blind and uses a wheelchair. The oldest lady in Europe is excited for her upcoming birthday when she turns 117. She reportedly will celebrate the day with a small group of residents, unlike other years.

David Tavella, a spokesperson from the Sainte Catherine Labouré retirement home, said that Sister Andre is fortunate. When she found out about the infection, she didn’t ask anyone about her health. All she asked was if her mealtimes or bedtimes would change. The lady had no fear of this disease but was more concerned about other people at the retirement home.

Sister Andre was born on February 11, 1904. She is the most senior person alive from Europe and the second-oldest in the world as per the World Supercentenarian Rankings List by Gerontology Research Group.

When the BFM broadcaster asked the lady if she was scared of coronavirus, she said she is not scared of death. She also said that she is happy to be present there but would be more pleased to join her elder brother, grandmother, and grandfather.