Why is banana good for you?

Banana good for you
Banana good for you

Banana, technically a berry, is one of the tastiest and easily consumable fruit in the world. Bananas come in different shapes, varieties, and colors. Is it acceptable to add this fruit to your daily diet? They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Beyond these, it is cholesterol-free and fat-free. Are you looking for more reasons why to add this fruit to your diet? Is banana good for you? Let’s get into the topic in detail.

Is banana good for you?

Bananas are a safe and healthy addition to your diet. However, there are a few pointers you should know before you do so. Is banana good for you in abundance? Any food items, however useful it might be, is potentially harmful if you consume too much. The limit depends on your age, weight, activity level, underlying medical condition, and more. In short, if you are adding more calories to your diet than required, it would lead to weight gain.

Banana is good for you because of nutrients

Bananas are rich in nutrients. A small 118g of banana contains 27g of carbs and has fiber, protein, vitamin C, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and others. If you are looking for instant energy and nutrients, this is a good snack.

Since 90% of the nutrients are carbs, it can increase the blood sugar level. Thus, it is not a good source of nutrients for those with diabetes. However, unripe banana contains resistant starch, which increases insulin sensitivity, which is a beneficial change in people with type 2 diabetes. However, it is essential to consume in moderation due to high starch content. 30g of resistant starch (unripe banana) per day can increase insulin sensitivity by 50% in four weeks.

Banana is good for you because of vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is essential to produce an adequate amount of RBC. It also helps to metabolize fat and carbs to convert into energy. It also aids in amino acid metabolism. Vitamin B6 from banana helps to excrete toxins from kidneys and liver. Is banana good for you if you have a kidney problem? If your condition restricts you from consuming potassium, it is best to remove the banana from your diet.

Banana is good for you because of low fat

The calories from banana are primarily carbs. A negligible portion of fat and protein would add up to your diet. If you are looking for a low-fat diet snack, it would be a great option. However, the sugars from the carbs should be in your consideration too.

The benefit of resistant starch

One banana can satisfy 10% of your fiber needs per day. The fiber allows your body to keep your gastrointestinal system healthy, aids in better digestion and healthy bowel movement. Ripe bananas contain resistant starch, which is insoluble. Thus, they help to manage weight. Resistant starch is rich in newly ripe fruit It is also best if you are suffering from constipation, heartburn, or stomach ulcer.

Banana for your heart health

The fiber in the fruit helps to improve the health of your heart. According to the University of Leeds’ study, such high-fiber foods can reduce the risk of heart problems like coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease. It also help in regulating your blood pressure. Since the fruit has zero sodium content, it is an excellent ingredient to add to your low-sodium diet. It also helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure level.

Avoid anemia and fatigue with banana

Banana is rich in easily digestible sugar. It is one of the first fruits introduced to a baby’s diet. Thus, you can receive high energy instantly from just one fruit. Moreover, the iron nutrient in the fruit improves red blood cell creation, reducing the risk of anemia. The fruit also helps to reduce muscle cramps that are common in those who exercise.

Enhance your mood

Banana triggers tryptophan in your body. It is an amino acid that is responsible for serotonin production. Thus, it is an excellent food to beat depression. Moreover, the amino acid also aids in regulating your sleep cycle. A healthy sleep cycle is a primary requirement to enhance your mental health.

An effective brain food

Vitamin B6 found in banana helps to produce dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These chemicals improve brain concentration and cognitive development. Thus, it allows you to improve your academic progress effectively.

Banana and skin care

Vitamin A in banana helps to retain moisture in the skin. This ability increases the elasticity of your skin, thereby reducing wrinkles. It also helps to heal parched or dry skin. Potassium helps to moisturize your skin, giving you a younger look. The antioxidants in the fruit make your skin less prone to fine lines. Manganese has an anti-inflammatory ability that helps to treat acne. You ought to rub the peel on the acne for better absorption.

Improve your hair

Is eating banana good for you if you are aiming at hair care? Consuming this fruit adds potassium, calcium, and vitamins to your body, which nourishes the hair follicles. However, the topical application of banana is more effective for hair care. Applying a peel mask helps to reduce irritation and dryness caused by dandruff. The high silica content helps to reduce the dryness and provide smoothness. If you use the peel on your scalp, it will improve the hair follicles’ strength.

Banana and your lung

According to nutritionists, the fruit can help to improve the functioning and health of the lungs. Children who consume adequate potassium will have higher lung capacity than the others. Moreover, a study proved that consuming banana helped to reduce symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

If you wish to enjoy all these benefits, it is essential to eat the fruit when it is newly ripe. Raw banana has a high amount of starch, and an overly ripe banana contains too much sugar. The newly-ripe one will make you feel full and reduce your appetite.