A pregnancy test is a tool that allows you to check if a woman is pregnant. Including a delay in the onset of menstruation. This article will give you a complete guide about pregnancy and when to take a pregnancy test calculator. The tests to ascertain or exclude the onset of pregnancy are mainly of two types: the first is the kit for home use.
In both cases, the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-HCG), a hormone secreted in the mother’s body during pregnancy, is checked. About a week after conception (which occurs, however, within 24 hours of ovulation). The human chorionic gonadotropin is produced from pre-embryonic cells that then give rise to the placenta after implantation in ‘ uterus of a fertilized ovum. (mastertechplumbing.com)
When to take a pregnancy test calculator
If a woman has a regular cycle of 28 days, when to take a pregnancy test calculator for home use can be done from the first day of delayed menstruation, i.e., about seven days from the nesting of the fertilized egg and 14 from the alleged conception. In general, these tools can identify beta-HCG from 8 to 11 days after ovulation.
However, since not all tests can detect the lowest concentrations of the hormone in the urine, and since it is not always possible to determine the exact time when the ovulatory phase occurs, especially when cycles are irregular, it is best to perform the test after four or five days of menstrual delay.
- Taking a pregnancy test in the aftermath of unprotected sexual intercourse is useless, as it takes a few days for the body to produce beta-HCG, even if the egg has already been fertilized. Suppose there is a strong suspicion of having become pregnant in a recent unsafe relationship. In that case, it is possible to anticipate the test approximately 5-7 days before the indicative date on which the onset of menstruation is expected. In this situation, however, it is advisable to repeat the test after a few days to have a particular result.
How is a delay in the menstrual cycle calculated?
It is necessary to consider the time interval between one menstruation and the next. In practice, to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle. It is necessary to count the number of days that go from the first day on which the menstrual flow appears up to the day before starting the next menstruation.
Do-it-yourself pregnancy tests
“They told me about a DIY pregnancy test that works!” Says Sara, who is trying to get pregnant and has the feeling that she is. Are there alternatives to blood and urine pregnancy tests? Like our Sara, some rely on the infamous homemade pregnancy test (or we could also call it “grandmother’s pregnancy test”).
Is this a method that can work? These experiments use substances that, in contact with urine, should trigger particular reactions (change color, produce foam, etc.). The most common are bleach pregnancy tests, oil pregnancy tests, and baking soda pregnancy tests. They do not have that particular reagent present in the pregnancy tests on the market that allows you to detect the presence of HCG.
To Secure Concepts: when to take a pregnancy test calculator
Pregnancy tests identify the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-HCG) in the blood or urine, a hormone secreted by the mother’s body only if the woman is pregnant. This hormone is detectable starting from implanting the fertilized egg in the uterus, only if conception has occurred. The beta-HCG has, in fact, the function of providing for the maintenance of pregnancy, favoring a hormonal and tissue environment suitable for the development of the embryo.
L ‘ urinalysis for domestic use provides a qualitative response (i.e., highlights if you are pregnant or not), while’ blood test also allows a quantitative assessment. Since it indicates in a precise way the hormone concentration present at the time of the survey. For this reason, When taking a pregnancy test calculator, it is necessary to confirm the result with a blood test for a 100% safe diagnosis and make an appointment with the gynecologist.
Beta-HCG and timing
Urinary and blood pregnancy tests have high reliability. For this reason, it takes a few days for it to be disabled. Once beta-HCG secretion begins, the hormone concentration doubles every two days and peaks 60-70 days after fertilization, then decreases to remain at a minimal level for the remainder of gestation.
When Can Pregnancy Begin?
Conception occurs when the spermatozoa travel up the uterus to reach the mature egg cell, released from the ovary into the fallopian tube during ovulation. Where it nestles in the endometrium approximately 6-7 days after the sexual intercourse. That led to fertilization (therefore, around the 21st day of a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days).
At this point, chorionic gonadotropin production also begins, the “beta” subunit of which is essential for the functioning of the when to take a pregnancy test calculator. This is possible in consideration of the fact that the mature egg cell. When expelled from the ovary can survive for about 24 hours. Simultaneously, the spermatozoa can remain viable in the female genital system for up to 72-96 hours. Therefore, unprotected intercourse, even 3 or 4 days before ovulation, can lead to fertilization.
How to do the pregnancy test
Usually, these devices consist of a stick equipped with a test strip. That you have to keep for a few seconds under the flow of urine. At the end of this operation, wait a few minutes for the chemical reaction to occur. Which will indicate, in correspondence with the control window, if the test has been carried out correctly. If conception has occurred, then a colored line, a smile, or a “+” will appear on the stick.
How reliable is the answer?
Testing for beta-HCG on a urine sample before menstrual delay carries the risk of having a false negative. This means that although fertilization has occurred and pregnancy has begun.
In theory, When take a pregnancy test calculator for home use is 90% reliable starting from the first day of delay. For this reason, the advice is always to wait a few days after missing menstruation before carrying out the test, especially in the case of irregular cycles.
Pregnancy test: When to take a pregnancy test calculator
Early pregnancy test
It is possible to carry out the pregnancy test before the delay using the early pregnancy tests: they are home kits always based on the urinary dosage of beta HCG that can be used four to five days before the hypothetical start of the menstrual cycle (as long as it is not too close concerning the relationship).
Blood pregnancy test
The blood pregnancy test is the method capable of detecting the presence of beta HCG in the circulation earlier and with greater precision: with blood sampling carried out three to four days after the presumed fertilization, it is possible to obtain results quickly.
How is the pregnancy test done?
The commercially available pregnancy test is performed using a urine sample; each kit is complete with instructions. That indicates When to take a pregnancy test calculator works and how to use it. The first precaution is to check the expiration of the kit. The best time to test is in the morning, with the first urine, which is more concentrated. You have to let the urine penetrate the particular box and wait five minutes for the result to be visible.
When to take a pregnancy test calculator
Positive pregnancy test
After an average of five minutes, the result will be visible. In the event of a positive result, the words “you are pregnant” will appear on the digital pregnancy test, while in the event of a negative result, “you are not pregnant” will appear. The analog pregnancy test will instead have a line next to which a second line will appear, indicative of ongoing pregnancy.
Negative pregnancy test
If the pregnancy test is negative when to repeat it? If the pregnancy test was carried out too early and there is a reasonable doubt that fertilization has occurred. For example, if there are symptoms of intercourse. That took place in the middle of the menstrual cycle – it is good to consult with your gynecologist. Who will be able to evaluate the timing well? The tendency is to wait a week before taking the second test; it is reasonable to allow up to two weeks in women with menstrual irregularities.
Can the pregnancy test be wrong?
Pregnancy tests are reliable, and the success rate reported by the industries that produce them is 97%. One of the first recommendations is to be careful not to use an expired pregnancy test. And in the case of a negative pregnancy test but… no period? It is good to consult with your doctor to evaluate how and when to repeat the test.
False-negative pregnancy test
The first cause of a false negative pregnancy test is the earliness of the test. Following, the defects of the kit must be considered (storage error, expired pregnancy test). Which tends to bind with the reagents of the pregnancy test and form aggregates. Those are most detected as individual particles. Even in the case of ectopic pregnancy, the urine pregnancy test may be harmful. Finally, you must also pay attention to the technique of execution and the container for the urine – which must be sterile and not have traces of soap.
At what time of the day to take the test?
Most of the tests can be performed at any time of the day: current devices for home use have a very high sensitivity and can detect even low concentrations of beta-HCG. However, it is preferable to use the first-morning urine as soon as you wake up. As there is a higher concentration of hormones and the result is safer.
It is also advisable to avoid taking too many fluids before taking the pregnancy test or waiting at least four hours after the last urination.
Possible altered results
False Negatives: The pregnancy has begun, but the test does not reveal it
- The test has expired, is defective, or not correctly stored.
- The current pregnancy is extra-uterine.
False Positive: The test is positive, but the pregnancy has not started
- The container used to collect the urine was not sterile, or a detergent was used to clean it.
- There are traces of blood in the urine and proteinuria, ovarian cysts, or cancers of the genital system.
Altered responses, in the sense of false positive, can also be found in the case of:
- Taking certain medications (such as neuroleptics)
- Urinary infection in progress.
- Premenopausal situation.
- Using an expired or incorrectly stored test.
Some practical tips
For correct execution of the pregnancy test for home use, carefully follow the instructions in the package leaflet and check the expiry date shown on the package.
If the result is positive and the instructions for use have been strictly followed. It is advisable to confirm the state of pregnancy through a blood sample (plasma test ) at the doctor’s request. If the outcome is doubtful and the menstrual delay continues. It is good to talk to your doctor or your gynecologist.