Distilled water is water without minerals or organisms. It is obtained through a subsequent evaporation process and then by condensation. This water is especially recommended for using the iron or the steam plate, free of limescale. In this article, we will give you a complete guide about what is distilled water? On the other hand, using tap water contains more or less high chlorine contents and nitrates, which could seriously damage the device.
What is distilled water, and what is it for
Distilled water is water without impurities, which has been purified by distillation, and for this reason, is free of microorganisms. Is it possible to drink this type of water? Distilled water is water so that you can drink it without problems. Because it is precisely free of mineral salts. The water from the domestic water supply contains small percentages of magnesium, iron, or calcium, essential for human health. But all these minerals lack distilled water in spring water. But all of them have salts.
How to make distilled water at home
This distilled water is not very expensive to buy in shops and supermarkets. Still, it is possible to obtain it easily and for free, with simple recovery operations to do at home. Just use the ice water in our refrigerator, which consists of separating homogeneous mixtures, maintaining a boiling point (where a substance passes from a liquid to a gaseous state), followed by condensation.
There are several simple methods to follow. To do it at home, you need:
- a sufficiently large pot
- a lid
- a salad bowl or plate smaller than the pot
- ice
The first thing to do is to fill a pot with tap water. That must have the capacity to hold 5 litres. Afterwards, you will have to put a glass container in the water, but make sure that it floats in it. Then put the water to heat. It does not necessarily have to boil. If this happens, it is better to turn off the fire. For this, it is necessary to put the lid of the pot upside down. And arrange ice on it to accelerate the evaporation process.
Later the steam will rise, it will begin to condense on the pot’s inverted lid, which will eventually drip into the glass container placed inside the pot. Let this distillation process occur until you have enough distilled water in a glass container after obtaining the necessary amount of distilled water. You can turn off the heat and remove the pot’s glass container, being careful not to burn yourself. If you prefer, you can also let it cool and then remove the container. Let the distilled water cool and store in glass bottles.
The use of distilled water outside the home
Laboratories and medical use
Due to its purity, it is used in laboratories and also in the medical field. An example is a physiological solution. Which is composed of 9 grams per litre of sodium chloride in distilled water or even the use. For the administration of drugs in infusions;
Batteries and industrial tools
It is also used in truck and car batteries, in particular in lead batteries. And the cooling systems of industrial machinery and equipment. Given the lack of substances that can damage the components;
Refined water
Refined water is water intended for human consumption that has undergone a refinement treatment, essentially improving the organoleptic characteristics. No specific treatment is associated with the generic term “refined.” The refined waters generally have the same saline characteristics as the starting water. Drinking refined water is more common than you think. This type of water is often present in offices or waiting rooms, usually distributed through 19-litre bottles of water.
Microfiltered (MF) / ultrafiltered (UF) water
Water that has been subjected to a microfiltration treatment is a filtration process with elements capable of removing. The particles present in suspension in the water having dimensions up to 0.1 microns, including bacteria. As the filter elements present in these devices do not always include microfiltration. Which is a specific and not generic treatment.
Ultrafiltration allows for a more thorough removal than microfiltration ( up to 0.01 micron), removing any viruses from the water, for this reason, among the countless uses of ultrafiltration membranes. There is also that of “Barrier” against back-contamination in water dispensers and purifiers. Both microfiltered and ultrafiltered glasses of water have the same saline characteristics as the starting water.
Softened water
Softening is a chemical-physical process capable of removing limestone from the water carried out with cation exchange resins. Capable of capturing calcium and magnesium ions and replacing them with sodium ions non-encrusting salts. The softening treatment, which occurs with a water softener, is essential for some technical and industrial water uses.
But also at the entrance to buildings and homes fed with “hard” water, where limestone deposits can create problems with distribution and heating systems, as well as household appliances. The softened water’s total saline content remains approximately the same as the starting water, while the concentrations of calcium and magnesium ions replaced by sodium ones change.
Osmotic water
Reverse osmosis is an important treatment technology that involves water passage under pressure through semi-permeable membranes, separating the suspended material and the solutes dissolved in the water.
Used both industrially and domestically, reverse osmosis is the only technology that allows the production of “pure” water from any source. Thanks to removing salts and pollutants, these plants’ applications range from seawater desalination to aqueduct water refinement.
Demineralized water
The demineralized (or deionized) water is generally produced through a triple treatment: reduction of the total saline content by reverse osmosis. And cationic exchange resins and finishes a passage through a column of mixed bed resins, i.e., cationic and anionic mixed together.
The demineralized water obtained with this process is relatively cheap to produce and is easily available in supermarkets. It is widely used in various technological sectors where water use with very low salinity is required in analysis laboratories, car batteries, and irons. It is not suitable for human consumption.
Distilled water
Distilled water uses the principle of distillation, i.e., it is produced by boiling and evaporation. And any polluting substance possibly present in the starting water. And medical fields to prepare injectable solutions. It is not suitable for human consumption.
Pure water
From the assumption that there is no univocal definition of “pure water,” one of the simplest and most effective methods to evaluate the “purity” of water. In an aqueous solution, the electrical conductivity is due to dissolved salts present in the ionic form: low saline concentrations correspond to low electrical conductivity values.
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Therefore, the demineralized waters are characterized by very low conductivity, making them suitable for particular technological and health uses but not for regular consumption as a drink.
Difference between distilled and demineralized water
The substantial difference between distilled water and demineralized water is the saline component and their creation process. The process that leads to demineralized water is chemical since the purification system. Through reverse osmosis involves the passage through ionizing resins. In contrast, a decomposition process occurs in water distillations, such as boiling, which divides oxygen from hydrogen. The demineralized water contains a minimum percentage of salts, bacteria, and any calcium, while the distilled water is completely pure.
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In fact, water is completely pure and with a neutral pH tends. To absorb carbon dioxide once exposed to the air and therefore acquires an acid value. Furthermore, there are no ions and mineral substances and salts once introduced into the human body. It tends to join calcium and sodium, reducing these reserves in a very drastic way. Therefore, drinking it for a prolonged time can lead to severe dehydration with consequences on the muscles, organs, and bones.
The health effects of using distilled water
It is essential to consider that even if its quality of distilled water is high. Studies carried out by the WHO. The World Health Organization has already shown since the 80s.EEvenater is microbiologically pure and free of calcium and mineral salts. Infants are fewer infants nutritious than normal or mineral water due to this purity. Research carried out especially in the United States has shown that mineral salts. And calcium is essential for the human body to protect body from nutritional deficiencies.
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Distilled water in everyday life
In recent times there is a lot of talk about distilled water or pure water and quality. And the possibility of eliminating the substances present. In fact, during its long journey from sources, lakes, and rivers to water basins, water collects a series of elements: mineral salts, calcium, heavy metals, bacteria, soil, and sand.
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Thanks to its high ability to bind to substances. It may also contain harmful and toxic chemical components harmful to the human body. For some needs, particularly for drinking it or for industry and healthcare. It will be necessary to clean the water by eliminating all the elements present and making it a pure and quality liquid.
DIY distilled water
We often hear about distilled water without actually knowing what it is and when it is appropriate to use it instead of the normal water that flows from the taps. Moreover, not everyone knows that distilled water can be easily made at home with rather simple methods. Methods that ensure the same result as distilled water bought in pharmacies or specialized stores.
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To obtain distilled water, no special tools or complicated chemical formulas are required. In fact, water can be distilled with safe home methods that do not even require domestic water softeners. Do you want to know what it is? Here are 3 DIY techniques that allow you to distil tap water safely.
Condensation in vessel
This technique consists of filling a fairly deep pot (20 litres capacity) with running water. And placing it on a stove with a glass container (for example, a glass tureen) left to float on the liquid. Ensure that the container never touches the pot’s bottom but floats on the liquid without going down.
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When the water starts to boil and evaporate, place an upside-down glass lid on the pot and put ice cubes on top. In this way, the evaporating liquid will rise upwards, meet a cold surface. And fall back into the glass container placed in the pot in liquid form. Mineral salts and gases (heavier) will convey towards the bottom of the pot. And at the end of the process, when the container is full. We will have obtained a good quantity of distilled water ready for use.
Condensation in the bottle
This technique involves the use of 2 glass bottles, one of which is preferable with a 90 ° curved neck, which will prevent the water from returning to the bottle inside the pot. Fill the bottle with the normal neck with plain tap water. I am leaving 10 cm of space between the liquid level and the top of the neck. Using adhesive tape, join the two bottles by the necks to connect the mouths. Ensure that the tape used is sturdy and perfectly seals the tops of the two bottles. So that neither steam nor water can escape during the condensation process.
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Place the bottle filled with water in a large pot filled with enough water to cover the bottle. Tilt the bottle into the pot at 30 °, leaning against an internal wall to stabilize it. (phentermine375.net) And cooled adequately so that when the water begins to heat up. Contact with the cold surface triggers the steam condensation process. The distilled water will then begin to enter the empty bottle until it is full.
Collection of rainwater
The method is quite simple and consists of conveying the rainwater in clean containers. After two days of waiting, the mineral salts contained in the water will begin to disperse, which can alter the composition of rainwater with acid or even harmful elements.