What Are The Symptoms Of The Flu

What Are The Symptoms Of The Flu

In the common belief, sore throats, widespread pains, fatigue, cough. A few lines of fever are always manifestations of seasonal flu. In fact, other diseases typical of the winter period can present with very similar symptoms. Being able to distinguish a “strong” cold, parainfluenza syndromes, or coronavirus infection. From the real flu is important to resort to the most suitable treatments and remedies. In this article, we will give you a complete guide about what are the symptoms of the flu?

Influence: What is it

Influenza is a disease caused by Orthomixo viruses that infect the respiratory system (nose, throat, and lungs). The infection of which follows a typical seasonal trend.

The initial picture of influenza is characterized by the rapid and sudden onset of respiratory and general symptoms. Which typically include fever (above 38 ° C), cough, sore throat, widespread bone and muscle pain, fatigue, and general malaise.

Flu symptoms

The ‘ flu is a disease with an incubation time rather short (from a few hours up to three days). Arises with nonspecific symptoms, characterized by cold, fever (moderate to high), and intense headaches (especially frontal): widespread myalgia, loss of appetite, and a state of prostration. Respiratory symptoms occur almost immediately. Including rhinorrhea, sneezing, lacrimation, cough, first dry, then catarrhal with mucous or mucopurulent sputum (therefore with traces of pus).


Influenza is an infectious disease with a generally benign course (it resolves positively in 3-6 days. Leaving room for fatigue that lasts up to a few weeks). Other times it can present itself in a particularly attenuated form or become complicated with bacterial superinfections. Influenza viruses, in fact, destroy the cells of the respiratory mucosa, favoring the penetration of bacterial pathogens, which in turn are responsible for bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, ear infections, and sinusitis. These complications are more frequent in individuals with chronic diseases ( asthma, diabetes, kidney, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases). In the elderly, children, and the immunocompromised, for this reason, the population at risk should undergo annual influenza vaccination.


The prevention of influenza is carried out in the first instance. At the same time, maintaining healthy your immune system through a healthy and balanced diet combined. With an active lifestyle and optimal management of daily stress. The basic hygiene rules are fundamental, such as putting your hands to your mouth when you cough and sneeze after going to the toilet, always washing them. Before meals, always washing them and on all the occasions listed in this article.

Influenza treatment and therapy

In the absence of complications, the therapy is symptomatic, and first of all involves rest. The generous administration of liquids, the consumption of easily digestible meals, and, if necessary. The use of analgesic drugs ( painkillers ) and antipyretics (to bring down the fever). On the course of the disease (obviously when it is particularly high or are individuals at risk of complications)

Some antiviral drugs, such as amantadine and rimantadine, can reduce the flu’s severity and duration. Specific antibiotics doctors can prescribe specific antibiotics actions. But they are completely ineffective in the treatment of influenza (considering its viral and non-bacterial nature). If not even harmful (further weaken the immune defenses ).

How is the flu transmitted?

The virus flu is easily transmitted by air through droplets of saliva and mucus issued by sneezing. Coughing or talking at VA a very close range with another person. These respiratory secretions ( droplets) can also settle on objects and surfaces. Therefore transmission can also occur indirectly through contact with hands contaminated by these particles. For this reason, these infections spread more easily among family members, classmates, or colleagues and in closed and crowded places, such as public transport, bars, or cinemas. When viruses reach the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, they cause infection.

Influenza Infectious Period

People who contract the flu virus begin to be contagious before the onset of symptoms. In particular, the period of contagiousness. Extends from 36-48 hours earlier to about 3-7 days after the onset of the disease.

Young children, seriously ill people, and those with weakened immune systems can infect others for longer periods. Even asymptomatic individuals – that is, who become infected but never develop noticeable symptoms – can transmit the flu.

Flu Symptoms: How Are They Recognized?

The flu can cause mild to severe symptoms, characterized by:

  • Respiratory symptoms that are always affected (cough, sneezing, sore throat);
  • General manifestations, i.e., affecting the whole organism (chills, fever, headache, widespread muscle pain, the feeling of exhaustion, and general malaise).

How to distinguish flu symptoms?: What are the flu symptoms, and how long does it last.

The set of symptoms (variously associated) and the mode of appearance determine the correct diagnosis. First, the onset of flu symptoms is usually sudden.

The presence of: characterizes influenza.

  • High fever with abrupt onset (38-40 ° C, lasts at least 3-4 days);
  • Chills accompanied by:
  • Sweating;
  • Headache (present in 80% of cases).

At the systemic level, there are:

  • Bone and muscle pains spread throughout the body (responsible for the typical feeling of having “broken bones”);
  • Physical weakness;

Respiratory symptoms, such as:

  • Stuffy nose or runny;
  • Sore throat;
  • Dry (non- catarrhal) cough;

Chest pains when breathing, even quite intense.

In some cases, conjunctivitis, photophobia (light discomfort), and gastrointestinal symptoms may occur, including decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.

Although influenza viruses change their antigenic characteristics every year, the symptoms remain more or less the same.

The flu makes you bed for at least a week and can leave you feeling tired. That can last up to ten days to two weeks after the symptoms disappear.

Risks and Complications

In healthy people, the flu rarely causes complications. But, in more vulnerable people, it can pave the way for other ailments.

Influenza Complications: Who Is Most at Risk?

Some populations have an increased risk of developing more severe courses or incurring—exacerbating pre-existing diseases (such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease).

In particular, people at high risk are considered:

  • Elderly (more than half of the serious and complicated cases are recorded in subjects over the age of 65);
  • Patients with chronic diseases, such as, for example, diabetes, immune or cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory diseases;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Children aged between 6 months and 5 years;
  • Patients undergoing therapy that weaken the immune system.

What are the Possible Complications of the Flu?

The already weakened organism, in fact, is more exposed to the risk of complications and co-infections (i.e., concomitant infections) by other viruses or bacteria. The infections that most frequently overlap with the flu are bronchitis and pneumonia. Suggested by the persistence or recurrence of fever and cough. After the apparent resolution of the primary disease. In some cases, dehydration, ear infections ( otitis ), or sinusitis can occur.

The flu can also worsen pre-existing chronic health problems; people with emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or asthma may suffer, for example, respiratory failure. At the same time, those with coronary artery disease or heart failure may develop acute heart failure.

Influenza can also cause complications affecting the cardiovascular system ( myocarditis ). The nervous system ( encephalitis ) or muscles ( myositis, rhabdomyolysis ), and multi-organ failure (for example, respiratory and renal failure). The flu’s lessflu’s less common complications include tonsillitis, seizures (in the child with a high fever ), and meningitis.

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When to worry

In general, it is important to be careful about how the flu evolves. If within 3-4 days things do not improve and you notice a worsening. It is better to consult your doctor to avoid underestimating possible complications. To evaluate the treatment more appropriate.

In the child

  • Fast breathing or difficulty breathing
  • Bluish lips or cyanotic face
  • Forced inspiration with each breath
  • Chest pain
  • Severe muscle pain (the child refuses to walk)
  • Dehydration (no urine for 8 hours, no tears when crying, dry mouth )
  • Lack of interaction when awake
  • Convulsions
  • Fever above 40 ° C and, in children less than 12 weeks of age, and fever
  • Fever or cough that first gets better then comes back or gets worse.
  • Worsening of chronic medical conditions

In adults

  • Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
  • Persistent dizziness, confusion, inability to wake up
  • Convulsions
  • Oliguria
  • Severe muscle pain
  • Severe weakness or instability
  • Fever or cough that first gets better then comes back or gets worse.
  • Worsening of chronic medical conditions

Flu or Cold?

Flu and cold viruses can circulate at the same time of the year.

The common cold is an acute viral infection, usually non-febrile. That causes upper airway symptoms, such as a runny nose, cough, and sore throat.

Colds typically begin with a ” sensation of scraping in the throat. ” Or sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, nasal congestion, and general malaise. Nasal secretions are initially clear, watery, and profuse, then become mucoid and purulent, thick, whitish, or yellowish. Colds can exacerbate asthma and chronic bronchitis for a few days.

What’s the Difference Between Flu and Cold?: What are the symptoms of the type the flu 2020

Colds and the flu share many symptoms. So it can be difficult to distinguish between them based on their symptoms alone. In about 50% of cases, the cold is a consequence of a Rhinovirus and, less often, of infection. By Coronavirus, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, Enterovirus, Adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and Metapneumovirus.

In general, the flu symptoms are more intense than those caused by the common cold. The latter is rare to cause serious health problems, such as pneumonia or bacterial co-infections.

Flu or Parainfluenza Syndrome?

The flu-like syndromes (also known as flu-like syndromes) are respiratory tract infections. Often improperly labeled as “flu” because they mimic the symptoms. These forms can involve a runny nose, lower voice, sore throat, and more or less intense cough. Even the fever may appear but remains within fairly low temperatures. In some cases, no respiratory symptoms occur, but diarrhea and vomiting.

Flu-like forms tend to resolve within three to four days, and unlike the flu. They do not leave a feeling of weakness in the following days.

How to distinguish parainfluenza syndromes from influenza?

The most common parainfluenza syndromes affect the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. The disease affects the upper airways, similar to a severe cold associated in the first case. With a sense of fatigue, sore throat, cough, and a few fever lines (often not exceeding 38 ° C). The eyes may water and be red. The mucous membranes are hyperemic. The skin hot and moist due to the fever. In children, parainfluenza viruses can cause acute laryngotracheobronchitis (croup ). Resulting in fever, cough, hoarseness, and laryngeal stridor due to obstruction of the upper airways. Other respiratory forms manifest in a similar way to pneumonia and bronchiolitis.

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What is the Difference BetweHowever, however, in Influenza and Parainfluenza?

The symptoms of parainfluenza syndromes are very similar to those of the flu. But it is possible to distinguish the two conditions, one, mainly based on presentation and course.

The flu proper is an acute seasonal infection characterized. By sudden high fever (over 38 ° C), muscle and joint pain, headache, and general malaise. As well as respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, congested or congested nose. In the absence of the lower respiratory tract’s involvement, parainfluenza resolves rapidly—usually, three to four days after onset. The symptoms may persist for a few more days (few lines of fever, mild sore throat, abdominal swelling ).

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Flu or COVID-19?

Both COVID-19 and the flu can have varying degrees degrees degrees and symptoms, ranging from no ( asymptomatic ) symptoms to severe symptoms.

How to distinguish flu and coronavirus infection?

The first symptoms of COVID-19 and seasonal flu are very similar. Therefore difficult to distinguish: both conditions are infectious diseases characterized by high fever and respiratory symptoms. That begins with a sore throat and a dry, irritating cough and insistent.

In influenza, it is quite suggestive that bone and muscle pains, headaches, and fatigue are associated with fever.

In new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection, myalgia is reported less often than influenza. At the same time, changes in smell and taste are common even in the early stages. Usually, the loss of smell is sudden and severe and is not accompanied. Even when they are intense or particularly unpleasant. The loss of taste is also characteristic. The flavors are felt mildly, and one cannot distinguish between bitter, salty, or sweet.

Laurussia (that is, loss of taste) and the’ anosmia (loss of smell). Do not show up in the course of influence, at the same time. The change or loss of taste and/or smell tends to appear in the first few days of illness overt. Sometimes even as prodromal signs after Coronavirus infection, and persist even for a few weeks after healing. So they can contribute to the diagnosis of COVID-19.