Understanding Cannabis Potency


When it comes to cannabis, potency can be an important measurement in a wide range of different situations. It is not just a descriptor of how powerful something is, but a way to check the overall impact of that particular cannabis product – as well as the total strength it can boast.

If you are new to using cannabis products or just have not looked any deeper into the substances you are using, then getting a handle on potency can be important. It is one of the few details you, as a user, will be able to rely on consistently, especially if you buy from multiple sources or dispensaries.

What is Cannabis Potency?

Cannabis potency is a measurement of the concentration of THC and CBD in cannabis. In simple terms, THC is the chemical that gets you “high,” and CBD is the chemical that causes a lot of soothing effects, although the two can overlap somewhat and are usually paired together in cannabis products.

Many cannabis products claim to have a specific THC/CBD percentage. These percentages may be a marketing technique, and you will need to look at the product description to see what exactly it is claiming. It is important to know that these THC/CBD percentages do not really matter in every situation, only some.

For example, many cannabis products will have different levels of THC, but they are all equally enjoyable. If you are just looking for something to relax you, then a slight change in potency will not make much of a difference to the average consumer.

When Does Potency Matter?

When comparing two products with similar packaging and prices, the most important thing to focus on is the percentage of cannabinoids in them. If you think about cannabis products as medications, it makes sense that you would use the percentage of cannabinoids as a benchmark for how powerful they will be.

Let us say you are looking at Delta-9 and Delta-8 THC. The only distinct difference between these two is that Delta-9 has the ninth atom in it, along with an extra double bond. This might not sound important, but it can be a bigger difference than you might think.

For starters, a higher percentage indicates a more potent strain. As such, you are getting more of your cannabinoid dose for less money – but that might not be what you actually want. If a certain product has 1% higher THC than another, you are getting 1% more of the chemical that causes the high.

Overall, Delta-9 THC is more potent than Delta-8, but D8 and D9 may end up in products in different amounts. Measuring potency is important for judging exactly how high something will get you and whether or not it is within your own comfort zone and boundaries.

Never feel pressured to take more THC than you are comfortable using. Cannabis is meant to be a positive experience and one that the user should enjoy. If you are pushed to use more than you want, you might end up hating the experience or even struggling to relax from how intense the effects feel.