The relationship between athletic performance and student academic performance.

student academic performance

Let’s take a look at the thoughts of a local pro sports franchise and student academic performance:

The Miami Dolphins were facing trouble in June 2019, just months before the season started, according to a Sports Illustrated report. The Dolphins still hold a record as the National Football League’s only team to have a perfect year. They won 17 games against Washington Redskins in 1972. However, that seems very long ago. The Dolphins’ reality in 2019 is that they lack starpower, but they have a nice mixture of well-educated individuals in management, coaching, playmaking. For this reason, analysts believe that Miami will be a contender for 2020. Chris Grier is the general manger and he holds a journalism diploma from Amherst. Brian Flores is a Boston College grad. Ryan Fitzpatrick is an economist from Harvard who teaches Rubik’s cube solving classes in record time.

The Dolphins are known for their ability of attracting academic-minded players to their roster. In the past, they have featured Jason Garrett (a Princeton graduate) as well as Archie Roberts (a Colgate alumni who became a prominent cardio surgeon after his NFL careers. They are known for giving back to South Florida schools and make large donations to academic programs. The Dolphins believe that academics and sports can co-exist.

Studies and student academic performance have consistently shown that those who are more physically active are healthier and do better on intellectual ability or cerebral tests. Some studies indicate that the results are quick and can even be achieved with a five-minute walk. The majority of studies indicate that students who are active get better mental performance and cognitive abilities.

There are more complicated issues when it comes time to evaluate college students who are also athletes. High-level athletes must stay fit and attend practices. They also need to meet the academic requirements of their college peers.

While college athletes sometimes have difficulties balancing academics and athletics, if necessary, looking for exposed term papers for sale,many students find that the organization required for both can lead to success in both.

Scientific Correlation of Physical Exercise and student academic performance

There is a strong correlation between physical exercise and mental acuity, which has been scientifically supported time after time. John J. Ratey is a Harvard University psychiatrist. In his 2008 book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, Ratey synthesized volumes of data. Ratey describes MRI scanning of the brains sedentary persons who have suddenly experienced a rise in fitness. Ratey shows that the scans show an increase volume of the hippocampus and the frontal and temporal lobes, which are areas associated with cognitive functioning. The hippocampus is especially associated with memory, learning.

BBC also reported on a longitudinal research that was done among 5,000 kids and teens. It was found that exercise is strongly linked to exam success in English and math. The academic performance of boys was increased after just 17 minutes, while girls saw an increase after only 12 minutes. The Universities of Strathclyde-Dundee performed the study. They found that girls who exercise regularly had a greater ability to perform science. Children who exercise regularly are found to be more academically inclined in the age range of 11-16 years old. Dr. Josie Booth explained from Dundee University that physical activity goes beyond the benefits for your physical health. There are additional benefits, and that should be of special importance to parents, policy makers, and those involved in education.

A 2010 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of United States Department of Health and Human Services stated that in 50 studies on academic performance and physical activity, there was a total of 251 links between academic performance and academic achievement. These measures included academic achievement, academic behavior and cognitive skills and attitude.

According to the CDC report: “Increased time spent in physical education seems to have a positive relationship, or not at all, with academic achievement.” Studies show that physical education has no effect on academic achievement. One-hundred of the fourteen studies found positive associations between school based physical education, indicators of academic performance, and three other studies did no such association. However it is important to remember that the majority of scientific literature about the relationship between exercise or sports and academic performance was written for children and teens. It is important to note that there is an overall connection between good brain health and keeping the body in shape. This applies to all ages.

Complexity: Elite-level College Sports Athletes

There are many collegiate athletics offered at universities throughout the country. But only a few of these get national recognition. College athletes who have trouble making the academic cut in big-business sports such as basketball or football often get scandalous headlines. Sports sometimes get a bad reputation for negatively impacting college academic performance. However this could simply be because students may place more emphasis on sports than academics. This is common in sports with the potential to offer professional recruitment.

Global Post states that although student athletes’ performance may vary according to sport, and the most successful and popular athletes tend to exhibit lower academic performance than others, gender does play a role in this (4). The article cites an article from The New York Times. According to the article, female athletes consistently outperform male athletes as well as male non-athletes. It is also worth noting that even women recruited specifically to be athletically proficient earn high marks. Average GPAs are just.06 points lower than female nonathletes. This suggests the possibility that academic success might not be as closely tied to elite-level college sports.

GPAs and grades do not always indicate academic success. Many college athletes try to balance their responsibilities. While some students do not have athletics or personal responsibilities, or may need to make a living off of college, others have many of these responsibilities and manage to get 3.9 GPAs. The impressive achievement of 3.9 is not surprising considering all the other responsibilities. The difference between student-athletes’ and non-athlete grades is, in short, a matter of personal drive, determination, organizational skills, and the ability to balance.

Florida National University’s Athletics department is an accredited private college. The department serves South Florida. FNU won three national soccer championships, two in women’s volleyball, since then. Some of our academic programs could be combined with athletics scholarships. Financial assistance is available to qualified students. We believe that all college athletes should have equal opportunities at the intercollegiate, varsity, and varsity levels. Most of our undergraduate and master’s degree programs can be completed online. This is convenient for students who work full-time and need to keep their family and personal lives in balance. To learn more about our athletics department, please contact an admissions advisor.

Getting Some Exercise Means Getting More Done

Physical activity can have many health benefits. Be it dedication to playing a particular sport, team sports or pick-up games on weekends, walking around the block daily, you can take care and look after your body while allowing your mind to focus on positive patterns of achievement.