The Mcgill Big 3 exercises

Mcgill Big 3

A herniated disc occurs when the soft, spongy interior of a vertebra ruptures and escapes tender muscle tissue; those muscles also weaken as a result. The injury gives way to compression and inflammation, leading to worsening pain and even paralysis if not correctly managed. Thousands of men and women experience debilitating back pain as a result of this condition.

The first step in treating a herniated disc is to understand the injury and its causes. Most of us are taught to stretch our back muscles when it hurts. So why doesn’t it work? The problem with this solution is that the muscle itself has already tightened, so you’re just trying to stretch a tight muscle. The primary reason why strengthening exercises don’t work in the treatment of back pain is that they fail to consider the mechanics of how we move. The results? People perform back strengthening exercises and then complain that they’re still in pain and that nothing has improved.

Dr. Stuart McGill is the Director of the Spine Biomechanics Lab in Waterloo. He is one of the world’s leading experts in treating and preventing back and neck pain and dysfunction. His research shows that proper spine biomechanics is a result of endurance, not just strength.

Mcgill Big 3

When training for endurance and strength, it is essential to follow a routine structure. The McGill’s Big Three exercise cluster is a great way to increase clients’ muscular endurance. This program consists of the deadlift, overhead press, and squat. It uses high volume, low-intensity lifting for hypertrophy (muscle growth). All sets are done to muscular failure with 1-2 minutes rest between sets.


Perform three sets of ten repetitions for each of the following exercises. You must do these using a reverse pyramid rep/set scheme. This will give your lower back muscular endurance without tiring out the muscle. For best results, start with eight reps with a heavier weight. Then decrease by two to six reps, then drop two to four reps on the last set. Do not repeat a movement for more than 10 seconds. As you grow more skillful, increase the number of times you repeat the action (e.g., 10-8-6, 12-10-8). This plan will allow you to progressively build your ability to hold each exercise for a more extended period, thereby improving core strength and endurance.

The McGill Curl-up

The McGill curl-up is a fundamental exercise for learning how to activate your core muscles. It’s named after Dr. Stuart McGill, is best for developing and diagnosing lower back pain and improves flexibility in the abdominal and hip flexor muscle groups. It is one of the most versatile abdominal exercises anyone can do. In addition, this exercise of Mcgill Big 3 can be helpful for people with back problems, as it doesn’t implement twisting or rotation of any kind that may aggravate pain.

Lying down, extend your right leg and bend the knee of your left leg. To maintain the natural arch of your spine, place your hands beneath the small of your back. Remember to keep your head, neck, and shoulders on the floor. Then, inhale and lift your head, shoulders, and chest up at the same time. Keep your legs together throughout the move, so they lift in unison. Avoid letting your head tilt back or your chin tuck. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

McGill Curl-up

Lower yourself only half of the way down, and do so with either your left or right leg bent. Start by doing half of the repetitions with your left leg bent and the other half with the right leg bent.

The McGill curl-up is one of the most sought-after workouts and fitness programs in the world. The McGill curl-up is one of the best exercises for developing the strength and power of the posterior chain of muscles. And quite honestly, it’s often one of the most overlooked exercises by many lifters. The McGill curl-up will not only benefit your deadlift but also carry over to improving performances in other lifts as well. In addition, this exercise of Mcgill Big 3 is an excellent exercise for working on back health and preventing future structural imbalances. It’s also great for training hip extension strength, which is vital for running and jumping activities.

The Side Bridge

Lie on your side, with one arm on the floor and an elbow underneath your shoulder. Have the opposite hand placed on your shoulder to stabilize your torso. Have your feet facing forward, with the knees at a 90-degree angle. Lie on your back with arms by your side. Next, lift the hips off the floor from a flat position and hold them for 10 seconds. Always ensure that the hips are in line with the body. Once completed, turn over to the other side.

Side Bridge

The Side Bridge exercise is a simple yet effective way to increase resistance in your lower back and relax your muscles. It’s a tremendous pre-workout routine for beginners as well as seniors. You can do it anywhere, even if you don’t have time to do formal exercise. This exercise of Mcgill Big 3 is great as an addition to any workout program because it builds overall strength, particularly core strength; it tones specific muscles and improves blood circulation, and it gets your heart rate up fast.

The Bird Dog

Begin in a prone position on the floor with arms and legs extended and relaxed. Simultaneously raise the left arm and right leg until they are parallel to the floor. Make sure your torso and hips are lined up with your limbs. Do not tilt and hold the position for 10 seconds. Then, repeat the move on the other side.

Bird Dog

The Bird Dog is a great exercise that you must incorporate into your workout regime. This exercise of Mcgill Big 3 will build up your dormant muscles, improve your posture, relieve back pain, and boost testosterone levels.


The causes of back pain each cause a different kind of strain. Often there is more than one contributing cause at play, which is why the Mcgill Big 3 of exercises work so well together. They address all three causes at once! There are many treatments, lifestyle changes, and exercises that can be performed to reduce back pain. Many of these exercises address the issue of building stability around the joints. A strong, stable muscular foundation is essential to reducing back pain and increasing activity.