We see that children are inquisitive by nature as we know. We see that children tend to lose this curious streak over the years if they grow up in an environment that discourages questioning well. We see that eventually, many children start refraining from asking questions as well. We know that this is damaging to a child’s learning process, especially in an academic setting at the same time. We see that students should be encouraged to ask doubts as well as see it is equally important to clarify their doubts most comprehensively at the same time. We see that doubt-solving enables deeper learning leading to academic excellence as well. We know that it becomes a lot easy for students who use an online classes app. They use online teaching through mobile to make things easy for them. We see that students’ doubts either stem from the lack of conceptual understanding or are simply out of curiosity as well. (Atticsandmore.com) So we can see that this is proof that they have identified a gap in their understanding and are willing to fill it as well. We know that by cultivating the habit of asking doubts, and resolving them, students develop critical thinking as well. We see their cognitive skills improve, and they become more adept at scientific analysis as well. Simply put, we can see that they become better at absorbing, processing, applying, as well as analysing knowledge. We know that when students ask doubts in a class or in an online community, everyone who is a part of that setting benefits from it as well. We see that when one student may look at a concept or a question differently than another too. We see that if students are open to sharing their different perspectives through doubts and questions, it enhances the quality of discussions and promotes peer learning at the same time. We see that this has a positive impact not only on the learning process but also adds value to the teaching process as well. We know that asking and solving doubts has twin benefits — on the one hand, it clarifies a concept for the student, and on the other, it helps the teacher assess the level of understanding the student has of the concept at the same time. We know that this feedback loop builds a better teacher-student collaboration, wherein the teacher is in a better position to gauge the student’s conceptual understanding at the same time. We know that when more and more students ask doubts, a teacher will have enough touchpoints to collect information on how she/he is progressing in a lesson as well as how future lessons can be organised better to make teaching more effective at the same time. We see that by encouraging doubt-solving builds a two-way communication channel during learning as well. Both the teacher and the students remain engaged throughout the process as we have seen. It thus is seen that it promotes active learning among students as they get increasingly accustomed to grasping concepts as well as clarifying doubts on an immediate basis. This holds true during the self-learning process that we see as well. We see that when students use doubt-solving applications o platforms to get doubts resolved immediately, they can move on to more complex aspects of a concept at the same time. We see that when students ask doubts, they should not be looked down upon as well. It is seen that it should rather be seen as an attempt to save time and get more insightful answers to their questions at the same time. We see that when a teacher or an expert solves doubts, we see that there’s more to it than just doubt resolution. The as we know student gets a number of value additions, like learning multiple ways of solving a problem, shortcuts, memorisation techniques, as well as suggestions on better reference material, and more. We see that asking questions is one of the most effective methods to learn as we have seen in most cases too. Indeed, people say that asking pertinent questions is a vital talent for deep learning as well. (https://american-eats.com/valium/)