Symptoms Of Strep Throat

Symptoms Of Strep Throat

In addition to the sensation of pain in the throat, Those are suffering from pharyngitis often. Also, experience difficulty in swallowing and, in some cases, cough and phlegm occur. Generally, pharyngitis is not chronic, but it is an acute disorder in the sense that it lasts from a few days to a maximum of a few weeks. However, the disease can also be chronic, i.e., when it lasts for months or even longer. Here we will give you a complete guide about symptoms of strep throat, cause treatment

Unlike laryngitis (which involves the larynx), it does not compromise the functioning of the vocal cords. So it does not cause a voice drop. In fact, sore throat is not even included among the main symptoms of laryngitis; the latter can result from problems such as an allergy, bronchitis, or exposure to irritants. And which usually occurs with fever, hoarseness, and inflamed lymph nodes.

What is a sore throat?

Sore throat, or more technically pharyngitis, is a pathology of the oral cavity characterized by inflammation of the oropharynx (or pharynx, a portion of the throat ). It is a disease typical of winter and seasonal changes when temperature changes are more frequent. Still, it can also occur in the summer months due to the use of air conditioning. And the differences in climate between inside and outside.

In most cases, the sore throat is caused by viral diseases (as in the case of cold viruses or flu viruses ). But irritants such as smog, cigarette smoke, gastroesophageal reflux, or air conditioning (in the latter case, the inflammation in the throat tends to be temporary).

On the other hand, bacterial infections involving the throat, pharyngeal mucous membranes, and, sometimes, also the tonsils are less frequent. It is precisely pharyngitis of bacterial origin that can give rise to recurrent or chronic sore throats.

Causes of sore throat: Symptoms Of Strep Throat

A sore throat can arise from a viral infection, usually with a cold or flu syndrome. Still, it is not uncommon for irritants to cause it, such as smog, cigarette smoke, air conditioning or gastroesophageal reflux. Even when one is forced to speak too much or too loudly, a sore throat can occur.

Finally, there are bacterial infections (usually streptococcal) of the respiratory tract. That involves the throat and, sometimes, also the tonsils, but typically do not reach the lungs. They are transmitted by airborne contagion, in general, or by direct contact with contaminated objects.


Sore throat of viral origin is, in most cases. Due to the cold virus (rhinovirus) and is therefore accompanied by other typical symptoms of the cold syndrome: red or watery eyes, blocked nose or runny (nasal discharge), dry or oily cough and frequent sneezing.

Cold viruses can be transmitted by air or by touching the eyes or nostrils with hands that have rested on contaminated surfaces. For this reason, the best ways to avoid a cold and all its consequences are to avoid contact with people who have already caught it and wash your hands well. The therapy consists mainly of a lot of rest; It is also essential to drink a lot to avoid dehydration.

To treat discomfort, it is possible to resort to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), in tablets but also in sprays or tablets to dissolve in the mouth, gargle with hot water and salt, sprays for throat health, cough products, balsamic tablets.

FLU AND SORE THROAT: Symptoms Of Strep Throat

Flu and sore throat often go hand in hand, and in this case, they will be accompanied by headaches, high fever, fatigue, tiredness, muscle aches and sometimes vomiting. There is no specific cure for a sore throat due to a virus, but to speed up healing, it is good to rest properly, eat a healthy diet and drink plenty to avoid dehydration. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also helpful, such as acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can relieve pain and irritation in the throat. In the case of viral sore throats, antibiotics are not sufficient and therefore, should not be used.

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Symptoms of Strep Throat ailments related to bacterial infection are usually more severe. They may include sore throat and fever, swelling and redness of the throat itself, loss of appetite, headache, and copious production of mucus in the nasal cavity.

Streptococcal infection is spread through direct contact with an infected person and/or by sharing personal items with them. Although it is more common in children ages five to thirteen, it can also occur in adulthood.

But when to suspect that your sore throat is due to a bacterial cause? In truth, there is a method for adults, relatively simple, which is based on the calculation of a score. Considering the following symptoms, a point must be added for each condition present:

  • High fever (above 38 degrees);
  • No cough;
  • Swollen and painful lymph nodes in the neck when touched
  • Tonsils swollen or with plaques.
  • And if you are over 45, you subtract one point from the total.

In other cases, your sore throat is most likely due to a virus. For children, however, it is always better to hear from the paediatrician. Even when symptoms do not improve within a few days, if the fever remains high or a rash appears, you should see your doctor.

To be sure that what you are dealing with is a streptococcal infection, it is sufficient to perform a throat swab, which allows you to identify the pathogens responsible for the pharyngeal infection. The results of the analyzes will will enable us to decide whether to treat the ailments with an antibiotic.


Some bad lifestyle habits can also cause a red and incredibly sore throat, especially smoking. Also, gastroesophageal reflux (a problem that can also lead to pneumonia ) can cause irritation and pain in the throat.

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STRONG SORE THROAT: Symptoms Of Strep Throat

Although the symptoms of bacterial sore throats are more intense, this disorder also generally resolves spontaneously, mostly thanks to the action of our immune system. As with viral sore throats, treating the symptoms is sufficient.

A severe sore throat may cause some extra concern. The best choice is to contact your doctor, who will be able to indicate how to manage the problem.

The same is true even when the sore throat goes on for more than 5-7 days: if after a few days the symptoms do not show signs of improving, it is good to ask for the advice of the doctor who will evaluate the use of an antibiotic, but only after having performed tests to identify the type of bacterial infection and then choose the most suitable antibiotic.

To avoid the development of resistance that would make the sore throat reappear with greater severity, the patient who has been prescribed antibioTreatmentment must complete the therapy even when he feels better or the symptoms have completely disappeared.

Finally, it is good to seek medical attention when a sore throat is associated with difficulty breathing, swallowing or opening the mouth, joint pain, earache, rash, high fever (above 38 ° C), blood in the saliva or the sputum, lumps in the neck or hoarseness that has lasted for more than 2 weeks.


Sometimes a sore throat is caused by tonsillitis, which is an inflammation of the tonsils, which can be generated in turn by a viral or bacterial infection.

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In this case, in addition to the irritation of the throat, there are swollen tonsils, which may have white plaques. Other symptoms include:

  • Bad breath
  • Temperature
  • Voice changes due to swelling
  • Enlarged lymph glands in the neck
  • If a bacterium causes tonsillitis, then antibiotics will be prescribed. If the infection is viral, antibiotics are of no use. The condition must run its course before the sore throat clears.

In both types of infections, however, the following will help to speed up healing: Symptoms Of Strep Throat.

  • Rest as much as possible
  • Drink a lot
  • Eat light, soft foods (such as ice cream, frozen desserts, and soups)
  • Avoid crunchy or spicy foods.
  • Use a vaporizer to humidify the air.

Against pain, analgesics and anti-inflammatories such as acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories can be useful. In cases where antibiotics fail to resolve the bacterial infection and tonsillitis recur repeatedly, tonsillitis may interfere with sleep and breathing. In such circumstances, the doctor may suggest surgical removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy).

Sore throat and other symptoms

Sore throat is usually a minor infection, but it is incredibly annoying if symptoms continue for a few days.

The characteristic symptoms of sore throat are:

  • A localized pain in the throat (sore throat);
  • Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes (which can swell and be distinguishable to the touch);
  • The increase in body temperature;
  • Difficulty in swallowing;
  • Redness and congestion of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • The presence (sometimes) of enlarged tonsils;
  • In the case of viral infection: nasal congestion, hoarseness, ear pain, cough, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea and ulcerative stomatitis.

Usually, the first symptom of throat inflammation to be felt is a sensation of discomfort in the throat that evolves, within a few hours, to give rise to the other symptoms described above. Still, it can also be a condition that fortunately only in a minority of cases predispose to infection with other agents – bacterial in nature – or may involve the extension of inflammation towards other districts of the respiratory tree, in particular the middle ear (giving, especially in children, otalgia, i.e. pain in the ear), the trachea and the bronchi.

What You Need To know: Symptoms Of Strep Throat

Respecting the basic hygiene rules, starting with frequent hand washing, and reducing or possibly avoiding exposure to cigarette smoke and other irritating factors are among the first measures for the prevention of sore throat. If you do not have running water available to reduce the risk of contagion with microbes present in the environment, you can clean your hands with a disinfectant product, such as an antiseptic gel. Furthermore, it is essential to maintain the right ambient humidity (especially in the house) and, if you have to talk a lot, it is useful to learn to “manage” your voice wisely, allowing yourself some breaks and drinking water often during the day, even in the absence of thirst. Living in an environment with dry air may not help; for this reason, it is advisable to fight dryness by humidifying the rooms.

Plant products provide vitamin A (in particular from yellow, orange or red fruit and vegetables. But also, for example from apple vinegar ) in the form of carotenoids, its precursors. In foods of animal origin (milk, butter, cheese, eggs and liver) there is instead retinol, a form of vitamin A.

Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits and their juice (for example in lemon juice). But also kiwi, in tomatoes and peppers. Spending little time outdoors exposes you to the risk of deficiencies that, in some cases, must be addressed with supplements.

Another useful precaution for the prevention of pharyngitis is to dress in layers. In the winter season, it is not unusual to move from a frigid environment to a closed and particularly heated one.

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The layers, therefore, help. Which help regulate perspiration by favouring the transport of sweat outside); the middle layer must keep the body temperature constant (shirts, sweaters and cardigans must form a thermal protective shield, retaining heat between the first and third layers). The last, it must protect from atmospheric agents typical of the cold season (wind, rain, snow): raincoats, coats, trench coats, down jackets, scarves.

This last layer must be breathable, like the other two, to allow the emission of sweat.

Finally, when the temperature outside the home is cold. It is advisable never to forget to bring scarves, gloves and hats with you.

But, if not even the most scrupulous attention is enough and the throat begins to burn, the first thing to do is undoubtedly not waste time. It is, in fact, a widespread habit of waiting to see the evolution of the disorder, in the belief/hope that it is a passing annoyance. Acting promptly, on the contrary, not only allows us to eliminate or at least alleviate unnecessary suffering, but also to limit or immediately eliminate inflammation.

The use of herbs and natural remedies is the most functional strategy. As a “first line of defence” for a sore throat, or to keep it under control if it tends to persist.

Propolis, for example, can be a valuable remedy thanks to its antimicrobial action against viruses and bacteria. You can also use mouthwashes for gargling, natural products based on eucalyptus, liquorice, cinnamon. Such as herbal teas, in chamomile or milk, or the form of candies. These remedies typically provide relief.