Running Workout for Weight Loss: Shed Your Weight Faster


When you’re ready to start your weight loss journey, cardio is a great place to start. The good news is that you can choose from several types of cardio workouts. In fact, one of those types solely focuses on running. With this workout, you can burn a lot of calories in a short period. So, if you are planning to do a running workout for weight loss, then follow these tips:

  • Stretch before running. Stretching before running helps prevent injury by increasing blood flow to the muscles used during the activity. This allows them to warm up more quickly and reduces their risk of strain or tear during exercise. Spend at least 10 minutes stretching before every workout session – even if it’s just a short jog around the block or up and down flights of stairs.
  • Start Slow: Running workout for weight loss is a high-impact exercise, so starting slowly is essential. Once you’ve built up your endurance and strength, you can begin running slowly for 15 minutes a day. Then work your way up to jogging for 30 minutes a day at a slower pace.
  • Set Reasonable Goals: Don’t expect too much too soon when starting out with running. Start by walking for five minutes, then jogging for five minutes, then brisk walking until you reach 30 minutes of total running time per session. You can gradually increase this amount as you get more comfortable with the activity.
  • Plan Your Runs: Set aside time in your schedule for running workout for weight loss. Or, join a group that runs at the same time every week. If you don’t have time during the day, consider running in the evening after work or school. Make sure you plan for safety when planning your runs. Choose well-lit areas to run in and avoid running alone if possible.

The following running workouts are explicitly designed to help you lose weight. Each one focuses on interval training. This can help improve your cardiovascular function and burn more calories than steady-state cardio. Before starting any new workout routine, talk with your doctor or physical therapist about how it might affect your injury status. Even if you’re already fit and healthy, there are always risks involved in changing up your exercise routine.

1. Interval Training

Interval training involves short bursts of intense activity followed by short rest periods or less intense exercise. This type of workout is especially effective for weight loss because it boosts your metabolism and burns more calories than regular cardio activities. For example, run at an eight-minute mile pace for one minute and then jog at an eight-minute mile pace for three minutes. As a result, you’ll burn more calories than if you just ran continuously at an eight-minute mile pace — even though the total amount of time spent running is the same in both scenarios. This running workout for weight loss also helps you build lean muscle mass, which helps boost your metabolism even when you’re not exercising — so you burn more calories at rest too!

2. Long Run Ladders

The concept behind this workout is simple: You’ll run intervals of increasing mileage, with each interval being a set number of minutes apart. For example, you might do two intervals of 3 minutes at an easy pace and then one interval of 4 minutes at a more strenuous pace. As the workout progresses and you become more tired, the intervals will get longer, and the paces will get faster. This is an excellent option for runners who want to improve their speed. You can add an extra round or do this as a workout instead of just a warm-up or cool-down.

3. Tabata Running 

Tabata running is a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). The Tabata protocol calls for 20 seconds of all-out effort followed by 10 seconds of rest. You repeat that for eight rounds, adding up to four minutes total. The goal is to push yourself as hard as possible during each 20 seconds, but not so hard that you can’t complete the next round. You can modify this workout to suit your needs. You could do it with any cardio machine or even by running outside. You’ll want to do two sets if it’s your first time trying this workout. Doing three or four sets is better if you’re a regular exerciser or athlete.

You should warm up for five minutes before starting your Tabata workout and cool down for five minutes afterward. This will help prevent injury from occurring during your sprints. In addition, this running workout for weight loss improves aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacity while improving muscular endurance. 

4. Tempo Runs

A tempo run is a sustained speed that’s faster than your regular run but not as fast as a sprint. Tempo runs can be anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds per mile faster than your normal pace. The pace is usually between 5K race pace and 10K race pace. Depending on your experience level and goals, this can be faster or slower. The idea is to spend an extended period at this pace, so you get both the aerobic and anaerobic benefits of running fast.

The key to doing tempo runs effectively is maintaining proper form while staying relaxed. This running workout for weight loss helps you burn more fat because they help boost your metabolism for several hours after your exercise ends. You can also include hill repeats in your tempo run if you want to increase training intensity without increasing your overall time commitment.

5. Circuit Training

The circuit training running workout is a variation of the standard interval training workouts. But instead of running fast for a short period and then slowing down to recover, you run at your regular pace and do high-intensity intervals. The idea behind this type of running workout is that it allows you to improve your stamina and burn more calories in less time. It also helps strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles to run faster for longer distances.

To do this running workout for weight loss, start with a 5-minute warm-up jog followed by 10 minutes of fast running at an intensity level between 8 and 9 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high). Then jog at a recovery pace for 2 minutes, followed by another 5 minutes of fast running at an intensity level between 8 and 9 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high). Repeat this cycle for 30 minutes in total.

6. Fartleks Workout

Fartlek is a Swedish term that means “speed play.” It refers to a type of workout where you vary your running pace throughout the run. For example, you might start at a fast pace, then slow down and recover for a while before picking up the pace again. Fartleks help you get used to changing your pace on demand.

Warm up with 10 minutes of easy jogging. Then alternate between three to five minutes of running at a fast pace (5K race pace or faster) with two to three minutes of slower walking or jogging. Continue this pattern until you have completed your usual distance for the day (e.g., 30 minutes).

The Bottom Line

Consistency is the best overall strategy for a running workout for weight loss. The more you run, the more weight you’ll shed, and the easier the process will be. If you are overweight or want to drop a few pounds of fat, challenge yourself with a few of the workouts listed above. Eventually, you will find one that works best for you and your running condition. In addition, a good diet can help you lose weight and keep it off, so make sure to eat healthy too. Follow your plan diligently, and you should be able to reach your goal weight in 8 weeks or less! You’ll be surprised by how easy it is to lose those unwanted pounds when incorporating these necessary elements into your weight-loss program.