PDFBear: How to Use its Different Features

PDF Bear Tool

Managing your PDFs is hard, but with the right tools, your life will be comfortable. PDF Bear Tool is a recommended platform that you can use to merge, convert, repair, unlock, protect, or split your PDF files. With that said, here’s how to use its different features.

Merge PDF

The first PDF Bear feature would be a PDF merger. An edge when using PDF Bear is aside from the merger; users can still utilize its different features like the compressor, converter, or the protect tool for their PDF files. With this merger, combining multiple PDF files in one document is easy, anyone can perform it in seconds.

If you need a hassle-free way to combine your PDFs, PDF Bear is the perfect tool for you. It can easily and quickly combine all the PDF files that you want into a PDF file. The instruction that it provides won’t confuse the users, and in a few clicks, the merged version of your PDF can now be downloaded or shared. Here’s how you can merge PDF files:

  1. Choose those PDFs that you wish to combine using PDF Bear.
  2. The system of PDF Bear will now analyze and upload your files.
  3. After modifying your data, begin the procedure by hitting the “Combine” button.
  4. You can start sharing or downloading your merged PDF after the process.


Sharing your PowerPoint presentation to anyone is a hard task sometimes, especially if there are platforms that can’t read it. The PPT file might be a typical format, but not every device is capable of supporting it. But with the quick and efficient conversion tool of PDF Bear, turning a PPT file to a PDF can be done under a minute. With that said, there are endless opportunities to merge, compress, split, or even repair damaged PDF files. This platform can support all of those actions.

With a couple of clicks, you can turn your PPT file to a PDF without putting pressure on yourself. It’s quite easy, and your PowerPoint’s quality won’t be compromised. Follow these easy steps:

  1. Pick the PPT file that you need to convert.
  2. The process-bar will convert your data in a while.
  3. When the upload is done, you can still modify the file. After that, choose the best option.
  4. You can now download and save the PDF files to your PC or computer.


If you want to convert your images, the PDF Bear tool can also convert and support file formats such as PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP. In less than 10 seconds, your file will be ready to use. PDF Bear is fast, efficient, and easy to use, and anyone can utilize it without spending money. Start converting your photos online using this quick and carefree converter and let the server of PDF Bear handle everything for you.

  1. Upload the image file.
  2. Pick the option that fits your preference.
  3. Press “Convert!” and wait for the process to finish.
  4. Download the converted PDF and save it to your PC.


PDF Bear Tool can conveniently help you convert, merge, or compress your PDF files for free. It is also secure and safe to use because all the uploaded files will be erased after an hour.