Hospice Care for Renal Failure

Care for Renal Failure

The decision to begin hospice care is not one to be taken lightly. It should be discussed with your loved one, if able, your doctor, and with yourself. While your loved ones and doctor will play a key role in your decision, the decision ultimately comes down to how you want to live the rest of your life in Care for Renal Failure.

Hospice care is not finding a cure but finding peace in the end. Below, I will go over what hospice care is, some of the services offered, and a personal narrative about having a loved one whose end of life was eased greatly by choosing hospice care for renal failure.

What is Hospice?

There are two types of care, very similar in manner, called palliative care and hospice care. While they have similarities, the biggest difference is hospice does not provide further medical treatment. If you would like to read more on the differences, click here.  Hospice care ensures the patient has a peaceful environment in the end-of-life stages. For renal failure hospice, this could include comfort and knowledge of how the body begins to shut down from renal failure. Hospice care workers should understand that the body can no longer filter properly when the kidneys are no longer functioning.

It can seem like a terrifying idea, your body shutting down from being unable to filter properly. Hospice nurses can manage the pain levels to have little to no pain during this process. In my personal experience with my mother, she survived long enough to see all her children in her own home with very little pain. She was able to get the rest she needed to allow her to say goodbye at the end.

Hospice Services Available- Care for Renal Failure

While the following may not be available at all institutions, ask the potential hospice care providers you are interacting with if these services sound like they would help you or your family. Looking into renal failure hospice can be slightly different. While the services will be the same, you should also ensure nurses and doctors who will be caring for you have experience with patients in your situation.

If you choose hospice, you are deciding to stop medical treatment. This does not mean medical staff will not be available to assist you. A hospice nurse will usually check on you three times a week until they see the signs of the close of life. When this occurs, they will come more frequently. Should you need them, or your loved ones would like to ask questions, hospice care providers generally provide a phone number you can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience and assurance.

Many hospice providers also include professionals for psychosocial and spiritual needs. At your request, they may send a counselor or spiritual guide of your religion to help you find peace.


Personal Experience

In September 2020, my mother passed away from stage 4 renal cell carcinoma. The disease had begun to shut down her kidneys and spread to her brain, so she made the painful decision to change from continued medical care to hospice care. During renal failure hospice for her, she was at peace, resting most of the time, and able to find the energy to see her loved ones when they were able to come.

While she was only on hospice for a little under two weeks, there was very little pain. In our last weeks, we were able to spend time with her knowing she was at least comfortable with a steady supply of pain medication provided by the hospice care facility. She asked to see a preacher and they sent someone local, he had even known my mother who was friends with lots of people in the area. We were able to focus on important aspects in the first week while she was resting, taking care of the paperwork, and making sure whoever wanted to see her was able to make peace. During the second week, the nurses came every day to make sure she was comfortable.

When the end came, her husband and I were able to sit with her while my husband called the nurses. Shortly after, a nurse arrived to call the time of death, and then the coroner took care of everything else. It was a simple process that allowed us to focus on the important aspects. We put energy into making sure that everyone was able to make it to her bedside and that she knew she was loved by those who were not.

Final Thoughts

Hospice is the most important decision someone can make. If you face this decision, I hope you find peace with whatever the outcome. It affects not just you, but your close loved ones, and can ensure that your passing is a painless and peaceful one. Hospice service providers are some of the most caring individuals and will provide the care you deserve in the closing of a life.