Everything About Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil

Superfoods are becoming popular among health-conscious people, and the black seed oil has become one of the superstars. This oil is identified as one of the top 10 natural foods trends in 2018, praising its capabilities in treating different health conditions and its contribution to beauty, particularly to the skin. 

While many health-conscious people want to buy black seed oil, many people are still thinking, “What is exactly black seed oil?” What are its benefits? How are you supposed to take it?  

Below are the answers to those questions.  

What is black seed oil?  

The black seed oil comes from the black seeds of the fennel flowers native to Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. Its scientific name is Nigella sativa. Moreover, the black seed is also called black cumin, black caraway, kalonji, and black onion seed.  

These black seeds contain a chemical compound called caryophyllene and thymoquinone, known to be beneficial to health. The oil has been being used for thousands of years. With this in mind, it is believed that Cleopatra, King Tut, and Hippocrates ingested the seed for different conditions, such as skincare, weakness, coughing, and malaise.  

In recent years, the black seed oil has become well-known among the health food group owing to its health beneficial spread.  

The health benefits 

The black seed has been found to treat various medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, cough, inflammations, dizziness, headache, flu, and fever. Studies that have been made on animals confirmed their potential for fighting several diseases.   

The substance is believed to be beneficial to the liver, aiding in its function, preventing damage or disease, and preventing type-1 and type-2 diabetes. Moreover, the oil’s chemical compounds have proven to provide potent anti-fungal and anti-pathogenic properties.

It can also improve blood lipids, blood pressure, and can fight cancer. Moreover, studies have found evidence that black seed oil is antioxidant and antibacterial, and could be beneficial to skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. 

How should you consume it?

The black seed oil can be taken raw, and a teaspoon a day is enough. Heating the oil reduces its nutrients. However, most people find their taste as hot and bitter. Others would say that it has the same taste as oregano or cumin.  

Most users mix it with lemon juice or honey to reduce its strong taste. However, don’t forget to read the recommended dosage as instructed on its package, typically one to two teaspoons. 

You can also sprinkle some oil on salads and use it as dressing, or mix it on your favourite smoothie, coffee, or tea. But you still have to be aware of its taste. With this in mind, it could be used the same way you would use other flavourful oils, such as walnut or sesame. These oils are used to add flavour rather than as the main cooking oil. To keep its freshness, keep the oil in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and heat. 

The oil’s benefits in health and the kitchen made many consumers want to buy black seed oil. As such, this oil is widely accessible in natural food stores, health stores, and online.  

Remember that each brand contains different caryophyllene and thymoquinone levels. So, always check the labels when buying.