Belly fat is something that many people continually battle. It is one of the most common problem areas for weight loss. When you set out to lose that stubborn area of excess belly fat, the fundamental principle revolves around the concept of calorie intake and calorie outtake. This basically means that you take in fewer calories per day than your body burns. A combination of a healthy diet and daily exercise is the answer. In the long run, this weight-loss strategy is the most beneficial. If you perform specific exercises to target belly fat, but disregard a Dieting To Lose and exercise plan, weight loss around the abdominal area will not occur.
Dangers Of Belly Fat
The dangers of being overweight are obvious, but fewer people actually know the extent to which Dieting To Lose can constitute a significant health risk. The health risks of belly fat have less to do with physical size than to the inherent dangers that can affect every person. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, when women gain weight the abdominal area is primarily affected. The University of Maryland Medical Center also warns that a higher concentration of fat in this area produces a higher risk for developing certain diseases.
Hormones deep inside abdomen fat can result in insulin resistance, which is a cause of diabetes. Estrogen that is produced increases the chance for breast cancer. Other risks include heart disease, certain types of cancer and high blood pressure.
Belly Fat and Water Retention and Dieting To Lose
Contrary to popular belief, the more water you consume will not result in more abdominal bloating. One of the main causes of water retention is a lack of water, or dehydration. To reduce or eliminate water retention around, all you have to do is drink more water! It is that simple, yet very important to health. (Cialis) On average, an individual loses approximately 2 liters of water as a result of everyday body functions such as breathing, walking, perspiring and maintaining body temperature.
Thus, you would need to drink plenty of water every day to reduce water retention. Eight glasses of water a day are recommended. Minimize your salt intake. This means avoiding processed foods and other products laden with salt. In place of iodized table salt, you can use sea salt because it contains fewer minerals. Alcohol, coffee and caffeinated beverages contribute to dehydration and water retention. If eight glasses of water a day seems a bit much, remember that there are plenty of foods that contain water, which will keep you hydrated throughout the day and provide necessary nutrients.
An adequate amount of water intake is a necessary component if you are looking to lose belly fat. Not enough water will give you the opposite effect and cause abdominal bloating.
Supplements that Target Belly Fat
In addition to sticking to a consistent and long-term diet and exercise regimen, consider the benefits of including natural over-the-counter phentermine alternative diet supplements that specifically target belly fat. It is no secret that belly fat is one of the most difficult areas of the body from which to eliminate fat. It is often difficult to figure out all the right types of foods to eat that will aid in weight and fat loss. The top phentermine alternatives are not like other diet pills on the market. It aids in accelerating the rate of metabolism and acts as an antioxidant to rid your body from toxins.