7 Common Signs of Aging and How to Combat Them

signs of aging

Have you been noticing a few extra wrinkles around your eyes or lips? Are you beginning to wonder if you’re seeing the beginning signs of ageing?

Growing older has its advantages. You’ve learned a few lessons and can approach the world with a bit more confidence. Yet those fine lines and wrinkles won’t take care of themselves.

Here’s what you need to know about ageing indicators and what you can do about them, so keep reading to find out more.

1. Fine Lines and Wrinkles

You may start noticing the very first resemblance of fine lines and wrinkles in your late 20s. These are caused by a breakdown of your skin’s elastin and collagen. As you start to get older, your body begins to lose its natural strength and elasticity.

You can help prevent fine lines and wrinkles in a number of ways. Wearing sunscreen, avoiding smoking, and getting enough rest can all help your skin stay more elastic and prevent excessive wrinkling.

Your diet can also help. Foods like salmon contain fatty acids such as Omega 3 that can help nourish your skin and plump it up.

In addition, fruits and vegetables contain antioxidant compounds. These can help fight any damage caused by free radicals, which helps your skin look younger.

A healthy skincare routine can also help you keep your skin plump. A simple moisturizer can help make wrinkles and fine lines less noticeable. Washing your skin with a gentle cleanser and not-overdoing your scrubbing can help your skin retain its natural oils.

Skincare practices will vary depending upon your skin type. You can learn more by reading this skincare guide.

2. Dulling Skin Tone

As you age, the natural turnover rate of your cells slows down. This can lead to a lacklustre skin tone, which can also make your wrinkles more visible. A lack of moisture can also cause your skin to dull.

In order to keep your skin’s glow healthy, avoid using hot water or harsh soaps. You can also add a serum to your skincare routine. These contain vitamins and other ingredients designed to brighten your skin tone.

Regular moisturizers can help to protect your skin barrier. A moisturizing face mask can also go a long way toward getting your skin glowing.

3. Sun Spots

Sunspots are caused by years of too much sun exposure. They happen when your pigmentation becomes overactive.

Sunscreen and covering up on the beach can help prevent your skin from developing sunspots. If you’re already developing them, however, a number of treatments can help.

At home, aloe vera or Vitamin C treatments can help. Other individuals have had luck with green tea bags or lemon juice. You can also find topical creams at your local drug store for facial sunspots.

If these don’t work and you’re very worried about the look of sunspots, you may want to try laser resurfacing, intense pulse lights, or chemical peels. These should all be performed by a trained professional. If this is what you’re looking for, talk to a local skin spa about the best options for your age and skin type.

4. Fragile Skin

As you age, your skin may become more fragile or easily bruised. This is because of the decreasing amount of collagen. Your genetics may also play a role.

Sunscreen and covering skin in the sun can help prevent skin from thinning too rapidly. You should also avoid smoking, alcohol, or a sugary diet.

Home remedies for thinning skin include diet and nutritional supplements. These could involve upping your doses of Vitamin C and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Laser resurfacing treatments and injectable skin and derma fillers can also help. A physician can help suggest the best fillers for the needs of your skin.

5. Dry Skin

A number of factors contribute to drier skin as you get older. These include sun damage, fewer natural oils, and decreased renewal of cells.

You’ll notice drier skin in more places than just your face. Your hands, knees, and feet may also seem drier and rougher than usual.

In order to combat extra-dry skin, you’ll want to avoid hot baths and showers. You’ll also want to moisturize more frequently.

Good moisturizers can help your skin stay young and firm. You may want to choose an anti-aging formula for your face, and some thicker body butter for the parts of your body that become particularly tough with dryness.

6. Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

As you age, you may also notice dark circles appearing under your eyes. This is because your skin is getting a bit thinner and the dark blood vessels beneath your skin become more visible.

There are many over-the-counter creams that can help reduce the appearance of dark circles overnight. Many folks also use home remedies like teabags. A good concealer can help reduce the appearance of dark circles during the day.

7. Thinning Lips

Your lips can thin and lose their natural shape as you get older. This is due to sun damage and a decrease in collagen production.

You can help prevent premature lip thinning by using a lip balm with an SPF. It’s also important to avoid smoking.

If your lips have already started showing the signs of aging, consider using retinoid products that you can find at your local drug store. Your doctor may also be able to suggest some.

In some cases, your dermatologist may also recommend a lip augmentation procedure. These are relatively painless and can add shape and volume to your lips.

Knowing the Signs of Aging

The signs of aging can be concerning, but a good diet and skincare routine can help you prevent premature damage. Once you’ve learned how to combat ageing, you’ll be enjoying healthy-looking sin for years to come.

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