Combating Your Vertigo With the Help of a Physical Therapist

Physical Therapist

Vertigo can be upsetting, frustrating, and disorienting. While the symptoms typically lead to one primary cause, others indicate more severe conditions. Doctors look to physical therapists as the first approach for treating vertigo and use various methods for relief and management. Learn more about vertigo and how a physical therapist can aid in recovery.

Signs You Have Vertigo

Interestingly, vertigo is a symptom rather than a condition. As you feel the spinning inside your head accompanying nausea or difficulty walking, vertigo is showing up due to another issue that can be addressed at Preston Corners Cary, North Carolina physical therapy treatment.

However, just getting the spins isn’t enough to diagnose you with vertigo. Healthcare professionals typically use a combination of the following symptoms to determine the presence of vertigo:

  • Surroundings spinning
  • You are spinning
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Falling
  • Tinnitus
  • Unsteady balance
  • Abnormal eye movements

Causes of Vertigo

Vertigo has been incorrectly linked to fear of heights and is not accurate. Instead, acrophobia is the fear of heights and the related symptoms, while vertigo has its own symptoms and causes. Some of the most common causes of vertigo include:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Vestibular neuronitis
  • Migraines

Treating Vertigo

Treating vertigo symptoms as they arise is the best application. However, it is usually best to determine a root cause other than vertigo itself, such as traumatic head injuries, ear injuries, and other concerns.

Once the cause of vertigo has been determined, there are a few preferred treatments for vertigo. Patients can opt for medical treatment, at-home treatment, and North Carolina physical therapy. There may be a combination of the three treatments if the vertigo is severe enough to impede everyday life.


Medically managing vertigo is an option in some cases. It may be used alone or with other treatments, depending on the nature of the cause.


Certain antihistamines are used to combat vertigo that is linked back to issues in the inner ear. Dramamine, Antivert, and Benadryl can help divert conflicting signals that cause imbalance and dizziness.


This drug is typically used to treat nausea and vomiting, but it is also an anti-psychotic medicine for anxiety and schizophrenia. It addresses sickness from the spinning experienced during vertigo.


Depending on your doctor’s recommendations, at-home care can range from none to a very stable routine. Typically, basic restrictions are the cornerstones of at-home care rather than unguided movements. Physical therapy for vertigo is the best approach to healing with support. If you have vertigo, avoid:

  • Bending down to pick things up
  • Extending your neck to reach for things
  • Sitting up or standing up quickly

Physical Therapy

Expert physical therapists address vertigo in each patient with individualized treatment for their specific needs. As a result, each care plan will be different. However, a series of stretches, exercises and ongoing maintenance are the foundation for vertigo in many patients.

If you are suffering from vertigo, schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to determine the cause and get on the road to recovery. You can start the healing process with a combination of treatments, including expert physical therapy.