Top 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Camping Sites


From toasting marshmallows and stargazing to disconnecting from the busy world we live in, camping lets you do so much. At the same time, camping can also lead to you getting injured or lost—two things that you probably don’t want to do.

Because of that, it’s important to spend some time choosing camping sites that will keep you happy, and most importantly, safe.

To help you find the perfect camping spot, we’ve put together this list of tips. By the time you finish reading, you’ll know exactly where you can pitch your tent—and more importantly, where you can’t.

Read on to learn about five factors you’ll want to consider when looking at different options for campsites.

1. Consider Others Around You

If you’re camping in a spot that has many other people, leave some space for tents. You don’t want to crowd them as it will take away from both parties’ experience.

You also want to consider what’s behind your tent. Try not to block anything that other campers might want to see.

2. Have a Source of Water Nearby

Water is important no matter you are, but especially so when you’re camping. Besides using it for drinking, you’ll also use water for cooking and cleaning.

Make your life easier and try to camp near a water source. Make sure you’re not right next to it, though—try to set up around 200 feet or more away.

If you’re not sure how to pitch a tent, Off-Grid Essential has you covered.

3. Factor in the Wind

Wind can make an otherwise pleasant camping experience miserable in next to no time. To prevent it from rustling around your tent and supplies, try to camp next to trees or boulders.

However, a soft breeze can help keep bugs away. Try and find a balance between gale-force winds and stagnant air.

4. Don’t Pitch Your Tent Too Late

While setting up your camp at sunset might sound serene, it can quickly become stressful when the light starts to disappear. Make your life easier by setting it up well in advance.

Starting setup two hours before sunset should give even the most indoors people enough time to pitch their tents. Start early and you’ll thank yourself later.

5. Respect Nature

If you’re camping off-trail, be especially careful when selecting your campsite. It’s tempting to set up on a serene lakeshore or a fragrant, pristine meadow, but you might damage the scenery.

Avoid trampling around, and take as many figurative steps as possible to minimize your impact on the nature around you.

Choosing Camping Sites Made Easy

Camping might be a great way to connect with nature, but it’s no fun if something goes wrong. To ensure that everything goes off without a hitch, make sure to spend some time choosing camping sites.

By taking the time to consider the factors mentioned in this guide, you’ll be able to have an amazing and safe experience.

Are you on the hunt for more outdoor guides and tips? If you are, make sure to check out the other great content on our site.