Male infertility is a condition that lowers the chances of a woman getting pregnant with her male partner. Learn about Causes Of Male Infertility
With unprotected sex, around 13 out of every 100 couples are unable to conceive. Infertility in men and women is caused by a variety of factors. Problems with male sperm production or delivery are responsible for over a third of infertility diagnoses. Fertility tests for males can help to determine if there is a problem with sperm production or delivery.
Causes Of Male Infertility
There are a lot of things that determine whether or not mature, healthy sperm will be able to travel. Cells may not develop into sperm due to issues. The sperm may fail to reach the egg because of problems. Even the temperature in the scrotum can have an impact on fertility. These are the most common causes of male infertility:
Varicoceles are varicose veins in the scrotum. They affect 16 out of every 100 men. They’re more frequent among infertile individuals (40 out of 100). By obstructing adequate blood flow, they impede spermatogenesis. It’s possible that varicoceles cause blood to return to your scrotum from your stomach. Because the testicles are excessively hot, they cannot produce sperm. This might lead to a reduction in sperm count.
Retrograde Ejaculation
When semen travels backwards in the body, it’s known as retrograde ejaculate. Instead of exiting via your penis, they enter your bladder. This happens because nerves and muscles in your bladder don’t close during orgasm. (climax). Although normal sperms may be present, the penis can’t pass them to the vagina.
Retrograde ejaculation can be caused by surgery, medicine, or a health issue affecting the nervous system. Following ejaculation, there is cloudy urine and “dry” ejaculation.
Immunologic Infertility
Sometimes, when a guy’s body makes antibodies that target his own sperm, it happens. They hamper sperm from functioning properly as a result of damage, surgery, or infection. Our understanding of how antibodies impact fertility is still quite limited. We do know that they can make it more difficult for male sperm to swim to the fallopian tube and fertilize an egg. Male infertility due to this is not widespread.
The tubes through which sperm travel might be blocked from time to time. Infection, surgery (such as vasectomy), oedema, or abnormalities in development can all contribute to blockage. Any aspect of the male reproductive system may be obstructed. Sperm from the testes cannot leave the body due to a blockage during ejaculating.
The pituitary gland’s hormones cause the testicles to make sperm. Poor sperm development is caused by deficient hormone levels.
Sperm contribute half of the DNA to a fertilized egg. Changes in chromosome numbers and structures can have an impact on fertility. The male Y chromosome, for example, might be missing pieces.
Male infertility is a problem that is often overlooked, but it can be just as serious as female infertility. There are many potential causes of male infertility, and some of them can be treated. If you are experiencing problems with fertility, it is important to see a doctor right away in order to determine the cause and find the best possible treatment.