How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Skin Tags?

Apple cider vinegar for skin tags
Apple cider vinegar for skin tags

What are skin tags?

Skin tags are small, noncancerous growths that are extremely common. They are usually flesh-colored or slightly darker and seem to hang off the skin. They have a tendency to pop up in areas with folds of skin, such as the armpits, groin, or eyelids. Skin tags do not cause any health problems and are usually painless.

Still, many individuals with skin tags wish to eliminate them for cosmetic reasons. Skincare is a simple outpatient procedure, however, an increasing number of individuals are turning to natural home remedies, such as apple cider vinegar.

Continue reading to find out whether this organic remedy actually works and how to safely attempt it yourself.

skin benefits of apple cider vinegar

What would be the skin benefits of apple cider vinegar?

Folks are using vinegar as a natural cure for centuries. Its acidic properties are considered to protect against disease, sterilize wounds, and preserve food. More lately, apple cider vinegar has been the vinegar of choice for everything from treating colds to promoting weight loss. (

Some people today feel that the lactic acid in apple cider vinegar can help break down the tissue surrounding skin tags, causing them to finally drop off.

What does the research say?

There’s no scientific proof that apple cider vinegar removes skin tags. Actually, recent studies suggest it might actually harm your skin.

A 2015 articleTrusted Source mentioned that the case of a teenaged girl who implemented apple cider vinegar into a mole on her face daily for 3 days and then covered it with a bandage. While the vinegar eliminated the mole after a couple of days, it also eliminated the upper layer of skin in the affected region. This may result in scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which can be far more difficult to eliminate than skin tags.

Another report recorded the case of a young boy that was left with a chemical burn after employing a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar into the skin onto his knee.

How do I use it?

If you still wish to attempt using apple cider vinegar to skin tags, follow these steps:

  • Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar.
  • Secure the cotton ball into your skin tag using a bandage.
  • Eliminate it after 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wash the area with soap and warm water
  • Permit the area to dry don’t place a bandage on the skin tag.
  • Repeat every day for 2 weeks.

When home remedies Aren’t appropriate home remedies Aren’t suitable for skin tags which are:

  • Situated around the eyes
  • Situated around the genitals
  • Very big or lengthy
  • Causing bleeding, pain, or itching

Seek medical therapy in these cases. Listed below are medical methods of skin tag removal:

  • Cauterization: This involves burning the skin tag. Most tags will fall out after one or two treatments.
  • Cryotherapy: A medical professional will employ liquid nitrogen to freeze the tag. Usually, a couple of treatments will probably be sufficient.
  • Ligation: The label is tied off with surgical thread, to decrease blood circulation.
  • Excision: A professional can use a knife to cut the label.

Skin tag removal is usually considered cosmetic, and it is not likely to be covered by medical insurance.

When to see a physician?

If skin tags which are big, painful, or found in sensitive areas, a person should see a physician.

Seek immediate medical care in the event a skin tag:

  • Bleeds
  • Itches
  • Changes shape or look

Other Ways to Remove Skin TagsWays to Remove Skin Tags

1. A label removal apparatus

Skincare removal kits are also available for purchase online and in a number of stores.

A person uses the unit to cut off the supply of blood into the base of this label using a very small group.

The medical community refers to this process as ligation.

With no supply of blood, the cells will die, and the label will fall off, usually within 10 days.

2. String

Some people today attempt to attain ligation using a bit of dental floss or string. It can be complicated to do this without the support of a device or a different person.

After the stream of blood has been cut off for at least a couple of days, the label should drop away. It could be necessary to twist the string or floss daily.

Before using this process, wash out the skin, string, and hands thoroughly to avoid disease.

3. Skin tag removal lotion

Kits comprising cream and an applicator are readily available. Usually, just 1 application of a lotion is necessary.

Instructions to some kits advocate cleaning the skin with an alcohol wipe and submitting down the label before applying the lotion, to ensure it is totally absorbed.

The lotion can cause a mild stinging sensation. Tags should drop off in 2 to 3 weeks.

4. Freezing kit

A person could use a product containing liquid nitrogen to freeze off skin tags. These products are frequently available in drugstores and pharmacies.

As always, follow instructions. Several applications may be necessary prior to a growth falls off, however, this usually occurs within 10 days.

The spray should not come in contact with the surrounding skin. A person might want to apply petroleum jelly into the area around the label for security.

5. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil used to treat several skin conditions, such as skin tags. But, only anecdotal evidence supports its use.

Folks typically apply a couple of drops of this oil into a cotton ball, they then affix into the skin tag using a bandage. The cotton ball is usually left to the skin tag for 10 minutes, three times each day. It might take several days or weeks for the label to drop off.

This treatment should be used with care, as tea tree oil can irritate sensitive skin. Never use tea tree oil for tags found around the eyes.

6. Iodine

Anecdotal evidence suggests that a person could use liquid sulfur to eliminate skin tags.

First, protect the surrounding skin using petroleum jelly or coconut oil into the area. Soak a Q-tip in iodine and spread the liquid across the label. Cover the region with a bandage before the Magnesium has dried.

Repeat this treatment two times per day before the label drops off.

7. Cutting

A physician may recommend cutting the growth away using a sharp blade or scissors. Never try this with moderate or big skin tags, as this may cause bleeding. Tags usually measure anywhere from a few millimeters to 2 inches in diameter.

Just consider this technique if your skin label has a very thin base. Scissors and blades should be sterilized before and after use.

Seek professional advice before trying this system, rather than cut off skin tags situated around your eyes or genitals.

The bottom line

There’s no scientific proof that apple cider vinegar removes skin tags. Additionally, a couple of case studies have shown possible risks associated with using apple cider vinegar onto your skin, even though there are ways to use it safely.