A Brief Guide to Moisture and Mold Problems in your Home

Moisture and Mold Problems

Molds are everywhere, and they are a part of the natural environment. In the outdoors, these fungi play an essential role in breaking down dead trees, fallen leaves, and other dead organic matter. However, they are harmful if you find them indoors. Read more about molds on this page.

They reproduce through tiny spores which are floating everywhere but are invisible to the naked eyes. They can float either indoors and outdoors, and when they land on the spot with moisture, they will typically begin growing and reproducing.

About the Health Problems Associated with Molds

Know that molds are not usually a massive problem while they are floating in the air. However, when they start landing on a damp wall or ceiling, they begin to reproduce and become harmful. They also have the potential to make the house’s occupants sick. 

Some of the medical issues associated with them are allergic reactions and irritations. They have mycotoxins, so inhaling the spores accidentally can cause an allergic reaction to the more sensitive members of the family. Some of the responses associated with allergies are rashes everywhere in the body, sneezing, red eyes, runny nose, and even difficulty breathing.

Mold allergic reactions are more common, and their effects on the body can be delayed or immediate. Exposure to the nose, skin, eyes, lungs, and throat can cause many adverse effects. Other symptoms that are not related to allergies are still being studied today.

Get Rid of the Fungi

It’s worth noting that it’s almost impossible to get rid of 100% of the spores inside your home. They can float around along with the dust and air, and they may be present in your vents and crawl spaces. However, know that you can limit their growth by removing water from various areas of your house.

The indoor mold can be controlled by detecting leaks, removing water through dehumidifiers, and fixing issues related to plumbing. If moisture is non-existent, know that you will have more minor problems with indoor mold and mildew. You need to clean your home frequently with mild detergent and fix the issues so that the fungi will not return.

The Clean-up Process

The person who will do the clean-up may vary, and this will depend on several factors. A single consideration is the size of the mildew that you’re trying to remove. Know that if the area is less than three ft. by three ft. or ten sq. ft., you can probably handle this issue in your spare time. However, if it’s more than this, you may want to hire a mold removal company that will help you out. They have experts with the right equipment, gear, and knowledge to handle larger problems, especially after a flood. 

-Know that if there’s lots of water damage because of the flood, the growth of the mildew is covering over ten sq. ft., you can consult an expert and see what they can do to handle this situation. Although most of the available safety codes online may focus on commercial buildings and schools, know that there are available documents that can apply to the residential types as well.

-If you’ve elected to hire a contractor or a professional to do the cleaning, ensure that they have years of experience doing this kind of job. You need to check their references, certificates, licenses, and credentials first. They should be able to follow the safety protocols and guidelines that were put by various government and professional organizations for their safety.

-You may be suspecting that there’s something on your heat, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, and there’s a big chance that they may be contaminated with mold. If you’re unsure about identifying this issue, you may want to get the experts to check on your behalf. You should not use or turn on your air conditioner if you’re aware that it’s contaminated with dirt, dust, and mildew, as they can spread to the other parts of the building.

-If the mold or water damage was caused by contaminated sewage, you need to call a professional as soon as possible and make sure that they have experience fixing and cleaning a building. Contaminated water is dangerous, so you may want to look for a temporary residence while the sanitizing is ongoing.

-If you have health concerns and are experiencing medical issues, you need to consult your physician about these before you start cleaning on your own.


There are specific techniques that you should do about the problem. Usually, the professional remediators and cleaners may use various methods that are not covered here. Know that molds may sometimes cause cosmetic damage and some staining. It’s possible to clean your belongings, but they might not be restored to their original appearance afterwards. Other than these, here are some guidelines that may help you out.

-Find any possible leaks in your home and fix the water as soon as possible. Make sure to dry all the items, furniture, paper, and more completely. More about water leakage here: https://www.thespruce.com/what-to-do-about-water-leakage-in-your-wall-4707690

-You can try to scrub off the hard surfaces like walls and ceilings with water and detergent. Let them dry naturally.

-The porous and absorbent materials may be trickier to deal with. Things like carpets and couches should be thrown away if they become too moldy. This is because the fungi can fill out the crevices and empty spaces if you’re not careful. When this happens, they can become impossible or difficult to remove.

-Avoid frequent and long exposures to mold whenever possible. 

-Don’t paint moldy surfaces or try caulking them up. Clean them first and let the walls dry before applying paint, so they won’t easily peel.

-You may be unsure about the processes of cleaning some items. If they have sentimental value or are expensive, it’s best if you could contact a conservation or restoration company for them. Some specialists may perform restoration and repair on carpets, painting, and many others. Check for references and look for affiliated specialists in your area that are licensed and experienced.