5 Easy Tips to Increase and Maintain Your Energy

Maintain Your Energy

Are you finding yourself fatigued halfway through the day? A 2:00 p.m. nap is calling every day? Many experience times when coffee just isn’t cutting it anymore and something needs to change, but a coffee alternative can help bring the energy levels back up. Maintaining good energy levels is integral to a healthy lifestyle and wellness of being. The good news is for those feeling low on energy there are plenty of ways to bump up your energy. You can start with these 5 easy tips to increase and maintain your energy.

Start with a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is vital to maintaining energy and arguably the first step to increasing and maintaining your energy. A good day begins with a good night’s sleep. Sleep and energy are two peas in a pod. Energy must be collected and stored somewhere and the place is rest. While you sleep, energy is gathered to be used when you wake up.

Sleep helps the body and mind rest. This rests prepares you for the next day when you wake up feeling refreshed. The trouble is making sure you get enough sleep. How do you know if you are getting an adequate amount of sleep? The rule of thumb is 7-8 hours.

Try to monitor your sleep patterns. If you have a hard time getting to sleep, implement a tested nighttime routine to prepare for bed. Avoid any habits that will make it any harder for you to go to sleep.

You should consult your doctor if you have a different lifestyle requiring an alternative sleep pattern or feel like even with the recommended hours of sleep, you are not maintaining high energy levels throughout the day. 

Take Vitamins

On top of getting a good night’s rest, you may want to start the next day with vitamins. Vitamins give you those extra nutrients that you need extra of. You can always pick up desired vitamins from your local pharmacy or add needed vitamin-rich foods into your diet.

If you are one who suffers from chronic fatigue going in the direction of Vitamin B is probably the way to go. Vitamin B has exhibited a key role in the body’s energy levels. An alternative to Vitamin B would be Vitamin D. 

If you are not a fan of swallowing pills, you can find liquid versions or add more vitamin-rich foods to your diet as mentioned previously. You can find great sources of Vitamin B in salmon, eggs, kale, and poultry.

Get Moving


It might seem counterintuitive to do physical activity when low energy, but getting active is a great way to get your energy levels flowing. Exercise has been shown to be an effective way to boost energy levels.

Be it weightlifting or pushups, swimming, or just a daily walk, getting out and being active for at least 30 minutes a day can make a world of difference in the long run. Endorphins and serotonin are released during exercise and this will help fight fatigue naturally while simultaneously increasing your energy levels.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

It should come as no surprise that food has an impact on your energy levels. It is where you get all your nutrients and energy. Everything vital for keeping you healthy comes through your daily intake. That is why it’s so important to maintain a healthy diet.

You’re sleeping well, getting added vitamin boosters, and moving those limbs, now monitor your food. A healthy diet can contribute to a healthy night’s rest. You may want to consult a nutritionist to organize an effective meal plan to support increasing and maintaining your energy.

There are go-to healthy food items like fruits and vegetables, but one diet does not fit all. Try different meal plans and see what works best for you. Remember which meals you feel satisfied and reinvigorated by.

While there is nothing wrong with the occasional box of fries, you do want to avoid eating processed foods frequently. They are fine for a quick bite but should not be a diet staple. Another food item to particularly look out for is sugar, specifically added sugar. 

There are many items that you may pick up and believe are healthy only to discover later are highly packed with added sugar. It is important to read the labels and ingredients of the food items that you use. Furthermore, when you feel tired, don’t reach for a sugary treat. It can give you a short energy burst but leave you feeling more tired afterward.

Get Rid of Any Stress

Everyone gets stressed every once in a while, but consistent stress can lead to other chronic conditions that inevitably drain one’s energy. Stress has been strongly linked to tiredness and fatigue. Stress can take a serious toll, mentally and physically, even if you don’t notice it until later.

When enduring stress, it is important to take a step back and consider what is the cause. Common causes of stress include daily responsibilities, work, unexpected events, trauma, and life changes. It is vital to learn what actions you can take to reduce your stress, even if you cannot identify the cause.

Reducing stress seems easier said than done and, in some instances, it is impossible to remove stress completely, particularly with lifestyles that have a demanding career. However, implementing stress reduction strategies can help boost your energy.

Some strategies to try include mindfulness practices such as yoga and mediation, going for a nature walk, and taking some needed “me time.” 

There are many reasons you might feel tired and drained. It is difficult to get through the day when feeling fatigued Nothing can be accomplished on 0% battery. That is why utilizing easy tips to increase and maintain your energy is important.


Incorporate some simple changes to your lifestyle to increase and maintain your energy. Whether it is moving aside stressful things or just getting to bed a little earlier, you will surely benefit from finding new and easy ways to increase and maintain your energy.