People suffering from debilitating conditions like addictions and substance abuse require a combination of the standardized treatment regimen led by health care experts. Practitioners assess individual issues and outline a unique treatment plan for the patients. Without professional guidance and supervision, deteriorating outcomes may prevail.
Various treatment options are available for treating substance use disorders based on the patient’s symptom severity and medical history.
Some may require inpatient treatment for a vigilant regime, while others with milder symptoms benefit from outpatient facilities. The mode of treatment is governed by the counselor in charge after a thorough understanding of the underlying disorder and triggers.
Common Treatment Programs for Detox and Recovery
Here’s a brief description of common treatment programs for the attendees seeking wellness and sobriety.
Inpatient program
The inpatient program involves a personalized directive for each participant based on the unique needs of the individual. A specific environment is modeled for better progress from the addiction disorder away from potential triggers that may interfere with the treatment.
Partial hospitalization program
A partial hospitalization facility is ideal for those requiring family and peer support for recovering effectively. Participants reside at home and visit rehabilitation centers on specified dates for treatment. In this way, the attendee does not lose connection with the outside world.
Outpatient program
Patients with milder symptoms are preferred for an outpatient program where they are advised to visit rehabilitation centers for a thorough assessment of their daily social life and activities. Participants who have completed an inpatient regime are directed to an outpatient program to follow up and continue with the approach learned during rehabilitation.
Intensive outpatient program
Unlike a regular outpatient program, an intensive outpatient program is advised to the inpatient program attendees who are not fit for a standard outpatient program but have completed residential treatments. It is a step-down approach from rehabilitation life to routine life with a strict spectator overlooking the course of actions. Based on statistics, a large number of participants have benefited from this approach, making it a prescribed choice for better prospects.
When is an Intensive Outpatient Program Ideal?
1. For short term treatment
Those requiring treatment for a limited duration are the perfect candidates for intensive outpatient programs. The candidates have freedom of movement to carry out routine tasks with the ongoing treatment.
The usual duration is 8-12 weeks, three days per week, making it less burdensome for the participants to attend. Short-term treatment is better than no treatment at all, making it an attractive option for the attendees. Patients with substance use disorder with associated psychiatric illnesses may recover fully after a series of intensive outpatient sessions.
2. With family support
Participants with supportive family and friends stand a better chance at full speed recovery and back to normalcy in life. A group of supportive peers helps through the process of recovery easily with the least chances of relapses. The added benefit of this program is that the family members may accompany the attendee for the sessions providing emotional and physical support for the person. (
3. For milder addiction
A mild form of illness or addiction may recover more speedily with an intensive outpatient program. Therefore, practitioners advise patients with milder disorders and addiction recovery in an Intensive Outpatient Program. The shorter duration of the program reduces the burden of strict inpatient admission and caters to individual needs in a specified structural manner.
4. For patients with psychiatric comorbidity
Many people afflicted with substance abuse struggle with mental illnesses such as major depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, psychosis, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Often, these hamper the treatment success resulting in reversion. In many cases, these conditions are the underlying cause of substance abuse. Therefore, a multifaceted regimen of an intensive outpatient program including group therapy sessions, behavioral counseling sessions, medications, and vocational training provides the added benefit in the simultaneous treatment of addictions and comorbid psychiatric disorders.
Virtual Outpatient Treatment
Contrary to the popular belief that the rehabilitation program can only be addressed in person, many programs offer virtual sessions. This not only saves time but also keeps the participants in the comfort of their homes with their loved ones while attending the treatment session. Also, it is noteworthy that virtual sessions have similar components as in-person sessions so that the participants on the other side of the screen do not miss out on anything from the program.
Many people are comfortable with people around them to share their thoughts, struggles, and rough experiences so they can relate to them on an intellectual and emotional level. Sharing coping techniques with mutual peers benefits all of them in their struggles to come out sober and lead a better life in the future. An intensive outpatient program gathers attendees both in online and offline settings to bring them on the same page for mutual success.
The takeaway
Among the treatment modes available for rehabilitation and recovery from addiction and associated disorders, a healthcare provider maps out the entire plan based on individual needs. A detailed assessment and questionnaire may aid in designing and choosing the best model of the treatment plan for the participants.
The intensive outpatient program is effective for its shorter duration with multiple benefits similar to a standard regimen with keener spectatorship.