3 Conversions That Can Be Made With An Online Temperature Calculator


Three main ways to measure temperature are Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin. In the United States, Fahrenheit is often used for air, Celsius is used for water, and Kelvin is used for atoms in a scientific setting. There are a variety of reasons that you might need to convert between these units of measure.

While you could perform the conversions yourself using a formula, the formulas are clunky and hard to reverse. Unless you’ve recently brushed up on your algebra, a temperature calculator will make those conversions for you. To use the calculator, you just need to enter the temperature in your units. The calculator will automatically give you the answer in the units you’re looking for.

There are many reasons to use a temperature calculator, and here are just a few:

  1. You need to describe the temperature to someone outside (or inside) the United States.

The United States, Liberia, and the Cayman Islands are the only countries worldwide that officially use Fahrenheit. That leaves much room for misunderstanding when explaining the weather to the rest of the world. (cymbalta) A temperature calculator will help you make a conversation quickly and communicate the right information.

If you’re trying to explain winter to your friend in Mexico or need to figure out what to pack for a trip to Paris, you may need to convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius. If you live outside the United States, you will have to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit to communicate with your friends in the United States and plan your trip to New York City.

  1. You need to know how cold the water is.

 Oftentimes, Jacuzzis, water heaters, and other appliances measure the temperature of water in Celsius. In order to know how the water might feel on your skin, it can be useful to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit to better understand how it would feel as air temperature.

  1. You’re trying to do science.

The Kelvin scale is widely used in scientific applications, including physics and chemistry. You might find Kelvin used for the “color temperature” of a light bulb. Though you’re unlikely to convert to Kelvin outside the classroom, it has useful applications in physical sciences.

Unlike Celsius and Fahrenheit, which find their focal point around the freezing point of water, Kelvin starts at absolute zero, where all atoms freeze from the cold and rises to 459.67 degrees, where the world essentially self-destructs.

A Temperature Calculator is Useful in Many Situations

This list is not exhaustive; you will find many reasons to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in regular situations. For example, if you buy any imported food, you might have to convert the oven temperature on the label. You might also find that certain appliances, like rice cookers, are imported and use a different scale.

No matter the application, it’s better to use a temperature calculator than guess. You’ll be more accurate and can better ensure that you’re communicating the right information to others, cooking at the right temperature, and being prepared to travel.